Saturday, June 7, 2014

Rhino, Grasshopper and VisualARQ workshops

LA-based design firm SomewhereSomething is conducting several Rhino and Rhino-related workshops this summer. From beginning to advanced, select the one that looks good to you. Sign up for one—or all four.

Summer 2014 schedule:
  • Advanced Rhino: Case Study - June 21-22Participants will use Rhino to model a residential project in detail. The model will then be “sliced” up to create a standard set of architectural drawings.
  • Intro to Grasshopper - June 28-29This 2-day introduction to Grasshopper will focus on an overview of the plug-in, geometry types, geometry construction and transformation, list and data tree management.
  • Rhino + VisualARQ for Architecture - July 19-20This session will focus on Rhino’s powerful drafting and layout tools. The plug-in VisualARQ will be used to add architectural features and parametric architectural objects that generate and update 2D drawings in real-time.
  • Armed Forces - August 2-3. Each participant will fabricate and assemble a small prototype of a multi-axis arm controlled by various sensory inputs. The project will be developed in Grasshopper and Firefly, using the Arduino microcontroller.

  2558 N. San Fernando Rd, Studio A8
  Los Angeles, CA 90065

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