Monday, June 30, 2014

Rhino DOF - Rhino Design Optimization & Fabrication Training

In this class you'll learn to create and edit accurate free-form 3D NURBS models. This fast-moving class covers most of Rhino's functionality, including the most advanced surfacing commands. In addition, this workshop will give students a functional understanding of Grasshopper and parametric design. This will allow them to build on this understanding into more advanced projects of their own. The class also covers information on fabrication techniques with RP 3D Printers or laser machines and optimization and fabrication using RhinoCAM for CNC machines.

This workshop will be at McNeel Miami's RhinoFabStudio.

To download the outline, please click here.

For more information please click here or call  McNeel Miami (305) 513 4445 or email Jackie Nasser.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Airport design in Kutaisi, Georgia

Another Rhino user pulls off a striking project, the International Airport at Kutaisi, Georgia. UNStudio, a Dutch architectural design studio, has spent the last 20 years working in architecture, urban development, and infrastructural projects.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Jewelry Modeling workshop in Zaragoza, Spain

Workshop Rhinojewel
Zaragoza Maker Show
17 July 2014

Miguel Ángel Sarralde is hosting a free Rhinojewel workshop during the Zaragoza Maker Show.

RoboFold is hiring!

RoboFold is looking for a computational designer to join its teamprimarily for robotics. Also, this summer they have organized a Robotics Experimentation Programme.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Flip flop Italian design

It's summer and time for flip flops. Created in Rhino, rendered in V-Ray. Federica Sanavio, a student at Scuola Italian Design in Padua, Italy, created these flip flops, taking advantage of the sweeping and simple lines.

See the flip flop in Trendhunter Fashion . . . 

Friday, June 20, 2014

CLIMATE RIBBON™ - data driven design by Hugh Dutton Associés

Hugh Dutton Associés is a unique team of people striving to create a synthesis of poetic intent and physical reality through their designs. With this focus, the Parisian studio recently designed the CLIMATE RIBBON™ in Miami. The project combines precision engineering and environmental design with an elegant sculptural form: an exciting union of art and science. 

The CLIMATE RIBBON is a topographical composition of a faceted grid of steel framing, glass covering and architectural fabric shading blades that respond to climate performance parameters. The architectural form is an expression of the performance data. Rhino, Grasshopper and its plug-ins have been extensively used during the design process.

In June, the studio launched DESIGN by DATA, a workshop organized in partnership with the digital art center Gaîté Lyrique in Paris, in order to share and explore this particular approach to performance-driven design. 

Interactive Architectural Prototypes workshop, Frankfurt

Interactive Architectural Prototypes | Summer Lab 2014
Frankfurt / Germany
July 21 - August 1, 2014

“Interactive Architectural Prototypes” is a 2-week summer lab based on the principles of experimentation and interactivity through emerging technologies in architectural production.

It is organized by arch.tualize and AWARE in partnership with the Städelschule Architecture Class (SAC), Frankfurt, and will be held at the campus of SAC from July 21 – August 1, 2014.

The lab engages students, architects, designers, and game developers with four techniques of prototyping: designer-informed, analytics-driven, crowd-operated, and sensor-actuated. Participants learn to use digital and parametric design tools and engage with feedback collected from simulation algorithms, online users and real-world sensors.

The acquired knowledge will be applied to designing interactive prototypes ultimately be exhibited at an open public exhibition at the Städelschule.

To learn more and apply visit 

Digital Fabrication workshop in Paris

WoMa Paris, France
7-9 July 2014

This workshop is open to all designers, architects, builders, curious...

It will focus on the use of Computer Numerically Controlled Milling Machine. The objective is to provide a general understanding of digital fabrication and allow participants to be independent in the Computer Numerically Controlled manufacturing of objects.

Day 1

- Presentation of possibilities and applications of the digital fabrication
- Introduction to 2D and 3D CAD (tutorial, hands-on)
- Introduction to parametric modeling
- Work from a model of a pre-formatted stool

Day 2

- Introduction to the laser cutter, file loading + Job
- Cutting a parameterized / personalized stool
- Assembly of the prototype

Day 3

- Development of a personal project
- Milling and assembly of the projects


Minh Man Nguyen: Civil engineer ETP, architect DPLG, and holds a master's degree in architecture from Georgia Tech. He teaches at the Ecole Speciale d'Architecture and ENS Paris Malaquais within the department of Digital Knowledge. He works as a consultant on issues of complex geometry. He co-founded in 2011 the WAO architecture agency, with whom he developed a reflection based on "making." In 2014, he co-founded WoMa, fabrique de quartier, a space that promotes collaboration in both Working and Making.


Clément Duroselle: Architect DPLG, he worked for the structural engineering firm RFR, focusing on complex façades. He teached at Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires de Marne-la-Vallée. He co-founded in 2011 the WAO architecture agency, with whom he developed a reflection based on "making." In 2014, he co-founded WoMa, fabrique de quartier, a space that promotes collaboration in both Working and Making.

Arnaud Delente: Master student in Architecture at the École Spéciale d'Architecture, he has developed throughout his studies an experimental approach around digital tools. He is an assistant in the Digital Fabrication class at the Special School of Architecture for two years.

Chrysalis amphitheater at Merriweather Park

World Architecture News announced that Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY is a winner in the 2014 WAN Awards, for his outdoor amphitheater, Chrysalis, at Merriweather Park, Columbia, Maryland. The international jury gave the award in the 21 for 21 category, 'leading lights' in architecture. View the project in a Chrysalis flythrough. Also, Frank Hecker's blog has posted an interesting analysis of the project.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

YouFab Global Creative Awards 2014

YouFab Global Creative Awards 2014
June 2 - August 1, 2014

YouFab is a global award that evaluates, from a creative perspective, new endeavors in digital fabrication and widely promotes the initiatives of creators all around the world! Mixed with a pinch of ingenuity and a dash of creativity, technology stands to transform the future of fabrication. More...

Entries may include all types of creative works made using digital fabrication tools such as the 3D printer, the laser cutter or the CNC milling machine, or you may create your own digital fabrication tool.

Entry Period: June 2 - August 1, 2014

Categories include: Products, Art, Machines, Beyond

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Intermediate Grasshopper class begins next week

Intermediate Grasshopper - Online Training
June 23-26, 2014
9 am-1 pm Pacific time
US$215 per person

Join instructor Andres Gonzalez as he explores the intermediate concepts of generative modeling in Rhino 5 using the Grasshopper add-on. He will apply these concepts to Grasshopper intermediate design and development numerous in numerous real-life examples with you.
This course is for design professionals who are looking to efficiently learn concepts and features of Grasshopper at an accelerated pace in an instructor-led online environment. This course requires "Intro to Grasshopper" training or equivalent.

Seats are still available. Register here!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Rhino & V-Ray webinar, June 18

From Model to Rendering with Rhino & V-Ray
Wednesday, June 18th - Starts at 11:00AM (PDT)

In this intermediate-level webinar Maia Merav Holtzman will demonstrate how to model a full face motorcycle helmet with Rhino 5, using solid and surface modeling techniques. The webinar will also show participants how to obtain highly professional rendering results using V-Ray 2.0 to detail industrial objects with a multi-colored finish.

The webinar is free but space is limited. The presentation will last approximately one hour including the Q&A.

About the presenter:
Maia Merav Holtzman runs a series of intensive Rhinoceros 3D workshops at Design Rhino, her Authorized Rhino Training Center in Los Angeles. A jewelry and industrial designer, Maia employs Rhino 3D modeling to supplement handcraft in her line of limited-edition jewelry, and works in the luxury goods, industrial, and architectural industries as a freelance modeler and renderer. Maia holds a degree in jewelry making and design from FIT, a BA from Columbia University, and an extremely underutilized JD from Tulane Law School.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Advanced Architectural Design workshop in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain
28-30 July 2014 

This course is geared towards architects and spatial designers who wish to enhance their workflow with parametric and data-rich modeling capabilities.

From concept design to documentation, every stage of the design process is an opportunity to increase efficiency and creativity. This course has been designed to give architects access to simulation, analysis, and advanced modeling capabilities in order to better inform and execute design decisions throughout the design process. During the 24-hour course, we will look at the relationship between Rhino 5, Grasshopper, and associated plug-ins to create workflow tools that can be tailored to each project.

This 3-day seminar and workshop will explore strategies for applying parametric design for the purpose of generating informed architectural models. During the course, participants will learn how to connect a digital model to external data sources such as environmental data and GIS databases. The participants will also learn how to evolve designs to reach multiple objective optimizations. This combination of tools and strategies allows the participant to further their projects with informed design decisions.

Instructor: Luis E. Fraguada - Director of Research - Built By Associative Data // Faculty at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalunya. *Authorized Rhino Trainer.

Cost: Early Bird Academic: 295€ - Early Bird Professional: 395€

Food4Rhino News: A new store and more!

With more than 150 apps available and 37,000 downloads in the last month, food4Rhino is the first Rhino plugin and Grasshopper add-on site on the web. 

There have been new significant improvements during the last months, including a store:
  • New store: Developers can now sell their apps (check FAQ Developer) and users buy commercial licenses (FAQ User).
  • New material uploader: A new application to upload multiple materials at once. Read the FAQ Materials, Environments and Textures to learn how it works and to download it.
  • New translation services to localize your app.
  • New forum for third-party apps: Contact us if as a developer you want to have your own group.
  • New plugin field and material tags: Use the Quick links to filter your search.
  • New Terms & Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.
  • Remote updated to drag and drop materials, environments, and textures directly in Rhino.
  • New ClamAV antivirus.
  • More than 150 projects available and 36,000 downloads last month!
And of course, there are many new and updated add-ons for architectural design, urban planning, GIS, structural engineering, robot controlling, BIM, environmental analysis, physics, visualization, landscape, jewelry, advanced modeling, and much more!

Car Design workshop in Barcelona

Barcelona (Spain)
July 21-24, 2014

This course is oriented to designers and concept modelers who wish to interact with their creations in a friendly and enriching manner.

This 3-day workshop will provide the students with all the understanding needed to create and easily interact with their concepts using all the potential Rhino and VSR can offer. During this course, students will learn the main concepts regarding car design and how to implement them to improve their concepts in the 3D environment. The participants will find how to generate, edit, and evaluate their models in a simplified manner. This will let them concentrate on the really important part of their creations: the design.

Instructor: Jorge Biosca
Language: English
Cost: Students 395€ + VAT / Professionals 495€ +VAT (early bird price until July 7)

RhinoCAM at the University of Washington

The College of Built Environments (CBE) at the University of Washington uses RhinoCAM to send Rhino models to their CNC mill and CNC routers. There are between 50 and 75 students using RhinoCAM at any given time and they are always training new students.

See how and why the CBE uses RhinoCAM...
Download RhinoCAM...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

PrototipoLab workshops in Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela, Spain
14-20 July 2014

PrototipoLab has organized a series of workshops on modeling, computational design, and digital fabrication this summer in Santiago de Compostela (Spain):
  • Grasshopper from scratch
  • Solar optimization
  • Modular modeling and laser cutting
  • Furniture design and digital construction
  • Construction of urban capsules

AA Visiting School Madrid

Trans-Computational Membranes 2.0
Madrid, Spain
2-12 September 2014

Trans-computational membranes will explore computational design methods through the use of digital-analogue experimentation. It will challenge the way we conceive flexibility within the context of spatial re-adaptation as a driver for social change. Time-based dynamic systems will transform the digital–analog divide through networks of instantaneous spatial deployment creating a symbiotic spatial context that examines new-era demands.

Check the videos from last year's edition: 
AA Madrid 2013 Video 1 
AA Madrid 2013 Video 2 

Details and registration: 

How to get more views from your building

To show how to use digital tools in design, Andrew Heumann, designer and computation specialist for NBBJ, addresses a specific design problem in this video. In this 2-minute guide, he studies the views from a Seattle office tower. Through Grasshopper, Heumann orients the tower to take advantage of nearby views: the Space Needle, the Puget Sound, and Lake Union.

Watch the Vimeo presentation . .

DESIGN by DATA workshop, Paris

Francesco Cingolani, computational designer and architecture teacher, launches DESIGN by DATA, an international design workshop in partnership with the renowned design studio Hugh Dutton Associates and the Parisian cultural center La Gâité Lyrique.

The workshop will take place in Paris July 18-20 and it aims to explore advanced computational design strategies at the blurring boundaries between art, architecture, and engineering.

Participants will learn to use parametric design tools such as Grasshopper and plugins in order to design complex architectural features driven by environmental data and a passive energy design approach.

Early bird fees are available until June 16.

Details and applications:

Digital Bench event and RhinoGold training, London

Simply Rhino & The Goldsmiths Centre present:

The Digital Bench Event 
London (UK) 
9 July 2014 

Innovation moves on with pace, all while there remains no single solution to the trades' digital design and creative process together with any possible output requirement.

One young company has discovered a workflow, and mix of tools, that works extremely well for them.  Come along to hear their story, discuss the highs and lows of any move to digital, the general use of CAD and the associated innovations in rendering plus physical output, including Rapid Prototyping and CAM.

Presenting at the Digital Bench Event are:

  • TDM, the developers of RhinoGold, will present and demonstrate RhinoGold 4.0 which now includes Clayoo and Rhino Emboss.
  • Wax-Masters, residents at the Goldsmiths’ Centre, will explore the myriad of ways in which CAD and CAM can be used in the Goldsmithing, Silversmithing, Smallworking, Jewellery and Horological industries, with demonstrations of technologies and explanation of the services offered by Wax-Masters.

Simply Rhino
RhinoGold 4.0 Complete Training
London (UK) 
10-11 July 2014 

This comprehensive two day class covers all aspects of RhinoGold 4.0 and the new tools within Rhino 5.0 and Clayoo for Rhino.

This course is aimed at jewellery professionals with a good basic knowledge of Rhino and trainees should have ideally completed the Level 1 training.

Starting with an overview and an introduction to the RhinoGold user interface, the class then progresses with a project based approach. Trainees will work through six separate jewellery projects each of which utilises a specific RhinoGold workflow.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Rhino, Grasshopper and VisualARQ workshops

LA-based design firm SomewhereSomething is conducting several Rhino and Rhino-related workshops this summer. From beginning to advanced, select the one that looks good to you. Sign up for one—or all four.

Summer 2014 schedule:
  • Advanced Rhino: Case Study - June 21-22Participants will use Rhino to model a residential project in detail. The model will then be “sliced” up to create a standard set of architectural drawings.
  • Intro to Grasshopper - June 28-29This 2-day introduction to Grasshopper will focus on an overview of the plug-in, geometry types, geometry construction and transformation, list and data tree management.
  • Rhino + VisualARQ for Architecture - July 19-20This session will focus on Rhino’s powerful drafting and layout tools. The plug-in VisualARQ will be used to add architectural features and parametric architectural objects that generate and update 2D drawings in real-time.
  • Armed Forces - August 2-3. Each participant will fabricate and assemble a small prototype of a multi-axis arm controlled by various sensory inputs. The project will be developed in Grasshopper and Firefly, using the Arduino microcontroller.

  2558 N. San Fernando Rd, Studio A8
  Los Angeles, CA 90065

Friday, June 6, 2014

RhinoToVault - Rhino 5 to/from Autodesk Vault Basic

The RhinoToVault plug-in introduces Rhino 5 model check-in and check-out to and from Autodesk Vault. With this plug-in, users perform the same operations as with the Vault add-in for Autodesk products. After installation, you get a toolbar listing the operations Log In, Log Out, Open, Refresh, Check In, Check Out, Undo Check Out, and Go to Workspace. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Rhino Job Openings

Check out the job openings for designers with Rhino skills on the Coroflot job board.