Friday, July 31, 2020

Design Computing: 3D Modeling in Rhinoceros with Python RhinoScript

University of Michigan-Online Course
Taught by Glenn Wilcox, Associate Professor, A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Begin anytime... register today!

This course is free and available to everyone. You may begin this course at any time and follow at your own pace. For an optional fee of US$54, you may earn a certificate for this course. Details are here.

Course description

As algorithms increasingly impact our world, designers must learn how to use and create design computing programs. Structured around a series of fundamental design problems, this course will show you Python code in terms of its rules and syntax, and teach you what we can do with Python in its application and design.

By the end of this online course, you’ll know the fundamentals of Python and RhinoScript and understand them through the lens of their application in geometrically focused design lessons and exercises. This course is designed for any students and practitioners who use Rhinoceros and want to design more complex geometric forms by structuring and implementing coding logic.

This course will help designers (architectural, industrial, product, web, furniture), artists (multimedia, digital, sculpture), and programmers. By completing the course, students can decide if they’d like to study more advanced computing topics through further education, such as recursion, agents, and complex generative systems.

This course integrates with a third-party website called the Gallery Tool, created by the University of Michigan to support collaboration between learners. You will need to make sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser and check that you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported.

You will need access to Rhino. Download a free 90-day trial for Windows and Mac. The evaluation is fully functional for the first 90 days. After 90 days a purchased license will be required to save files or use plugins. The instructor will walk you through how to install Rhino in the course.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to automate BIM's batch processes of DWGs using Grasshopper + Python

Do you want to know how Archicad treats DWGs imported from BIM?

Watch this presentation by Ami Nigam from Enzyme APD, shown last fall in Tokyo at an Archicad launch.  Ami discusses the problems and solutions.  He goes into creating a Grasshopper script, using Python, and using Elefont.

VisualARQ video tutorial in Spanish

Check out the new VisualARQ tutorial in Spanish showing how to model and document the Mies van der Rohe Barcelona Pavilion step by step.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Managing BIG facades using Rhino.Inside

In this course organized by ThinkParametric, Oliver Thomas, BIM specialist at BIG, teaches you how they are currently using Rhino.Inside at their latest projects to manage complex facade systems.

"Rhino.Inside makes the transfer of information between Rhinoceros 3D and Autodesk Revit quick, easy, and intuitive. It’s a real game-changer. Rhino.Inside is an open-source project which allows you to run Rhino and Grasshopper within other programs such as Revit. It takes literally a push of a button to get your geometry into Revit from Rhino and vice versa. The power of Rhino.Inside is its simplicity, it doesn’t take a computational design expert to master it."

Tumor removal planned with patient-specific 3D printed model

The area affected by the tumor has been manually colored (red).

A 22-year old female patient was diagnosed with a tumor in her left pelvis. The tumor was specified as Ewing’s sarcoma. The medical team decided to perform surgery to remove it.

Hospital: Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute (GCRI), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Surgeons: Dr. Abhijeet Salunke and Dr. Mayur Kamani, orthopedic onco-surgeons.
3D Printing: Dr. Suresh Ludhwani, radiologist and 3D printing specialist, IDDS & Oroscan, prepared the model.

The role of 3D printing

“The purpose of the model was to study the patient’s anatomy and to do the mock surgery on it. Rhino3DMedical is a very user-friendly software with very self-explanatory actions. I have been using many software, but I found this one to be very specific and accurate. The best part was that it gives you freedom to adjust the threshold and edit the model at the same time,” explains Dr. Ludhwani.

The 3D model was printed with an FDM Ultimaker desktop 3D printer using a very affordable PLA filament.


Learn how to create a patient-specific 3D-printable model of the pelvis with Rhino3DMedical here

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Enscape-Rhino case studies by Viewport Studio

Viewport Studio has been kind enough to share its latest Enscape-Rhino projects:

Viewport Studio, based out of London and Singapore, is a team of architects and designers across a mix of disciplines. Viewport Studio has designed a series of award-winning spaces and products that mix both innovation and rigorous attention to detail for clients as diverse as Virgin Galactic and Delta Air Lines to Royal Selangor in Malaysia and Walter Knoll in Europe.

Enscape™ is a realtime rendering plugin for Rhino (also for SketchUp, Revit, and Archicad, plus a free beta version for Vectorworks). With one click, you can start Enscape and within seconds find yourself walking through your fully rendered project—no need to upload to the cloud or export to other programs.

All changes made in Rhino are immediately available to evaluate in Enscape. Simultaneous editing and visualization allow project changes to be viewed in realtime thanks to live-link technology. If your client, for example, wants to see something different in the design, you can implement the feedback and the changes will appear in the project right away.

Enscape makes collaboration in realtime rendering easy. With the ability to capture and annotate issues directly in the project, feedback is made more efficient for the design review process. You can also create a standalone web file of your project, which allows you to send an Enscape file to your clients or colleagues for quick demonstrations. 

Enscape 2.8 is now available as a free upgrade to existing users! 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Building physics with Grasshopper

Watch this post from Structured Parametrics to see how to generate wind loads automatically with realtime physics. The wind loading determines the building shapes and automatically generates wind loading to code. The wind loading zones are translated into loads on members, and the resulting structure is tested in a physics engine. You can watch a brief video on LinkedIn or watch the full 11-minute video on YouTube.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Robotics in Architecture & Construction

Robotics in Architecture & Construction

An online Masterclass offered by the University of Sydney, Australia
AUD$65.00 - Register here.

Robotics and digital technologies can have a transformative impact on the way we design and construct buildings. Widely used in manufacturing, the application of these technologies to the built environment has been limited due to the complexity of the construction process and the difficulty of working with complex machinery.
Architects and designers are now harnessing these extremely adaptable tools through innovations in software and computation to realize complex design to fabrication workflows. Industry interest is surging, and applications are emerging from mass customization to worker safety.
This course introduces this exciting field, covering some of the key milestones and projects shaping research and development across the globe. It also provides a beginner's introduction to what a robotic arm is and considerations for integrating one into your digital fabrication workflow.
Learners will:
  • Have an overview of the theoretical background and a clear understanding of the robotic opportunities and constraints in the built environment
  • Understand the physical traits of an industrial robotic arm and principles of programming
  • Identify the steps taken in designing a robotic project
Software used in this course includes Rhino 6, Grasshopper, Ladybug Tools, and KUKA|prc.

V-Ray Next for Rhino - Free webinar July 16th

See how you can enhance your workflow with V-Ray's useful features for easier geometry and material management. Learn to incorporate V-Ray for Grasshopper to make numerous tweaks to advance the workflow and create stunning visualizations directly in Grasshopper. 

The event wraps up with a Q&A session.

The presenters are Anastasia Zhivaeva from the Chaos Group and Scott Davidson from Robert McNeel & Associates.

Registration for Ask the Experts: V-Ray for Rhino
July 16, 2020 12:00 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT

Karamba3D now supported on ShapeDiver

After years of growing presence in the product design, furniture and jewelry industries, ShapeDiver is happy to announce that Karamba3D joins its ever-growing list of supported third-party plugins—a major step towards new tools and new workflows for parametric engineering in the AEC industry.

Among other useful features, the Karamba3D integration lets you run finite element calculations in the cloud and then, visualize color-coded results directly in the ShapeDiver viewer. Download section sizes from the parametric model in TXT or CSV formats, center lines in DXF or DWG, and final deformed mesh as 3DM or OBJ.

With this new tool, ShapeDiver aims to encourage fruitful teamwork across disciplines. The cloud opens a range of possibilities for creative collaboration between architects and engineers.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Webinar: Digital Fabrication with Rhino and KUKA

Join MakerMex and in a webinar in Spanish on Digital Fabrication with Rhino and KUKA Robots.

During the webinar, learn about some uses for KUKA robots in digital fabrication, mainly in 3D printing and milling with Rhino and GrasshopperKarl Singline, a YouTube trainer and researcher at Linz University on Robotics and KUKA|prc, will be answering some questions and talking about his work at and KUKA|prc. 

Date: Saturday, July 25
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Mexico Central Time)
Price: Free

For more information contact Luis Pacheco or visit this link.

What is RhinoFabStudio? RhinoFabStudio (fabrication studio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer-controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Arkhimedes - fabricating ventilators

Check out Arkhimedes a project proposal on the fabrication of ventilators to help COVID-19 patients designed with RhinoBy Luis Gabriel Orozco, Leonardo Nuevo-Arenas, Hassan Ayup Nájera, Eduardo Schega Gaxiola, and Humberto Molina Ruiz, all from Mexico. 

This team of designers knew something needed to be done when they heard countries were applying the equivalent to the triage of war to decide who’d have access to mechanical ventilators. 
They felt that their capabilities were being wasted. When they learned that the UK government had released a set of norms and standards regarding AMBU bag based ventilators, they used those to determine their design goals. Taking into account that the majority of the industry was closed or about to close, they established a restriction to design their proposal using materials and processes with easy access, reducing the dependency of external suppliers in a time of emergency.

For more information please visit this link or email 

What is RhinoFabStudio? RhinoFabStudio (fabrication studio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer-controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Cloud based structural analysis with Grasshopper

The SkyCiv-Grasshopper plugin is now available! With SkyCiv, you can connect your Grasshopper model directly to SkyCiv Structural Analysis software. As you change and adjust your model in Grasshopper, you can instantly see the changes take effect in SkyCiv. Turn your Parametric Designs instantly into structural models with the SkyCiv-Grasshopper plugin.

SkyCiv is a commercially used structural analysis and design software that runs on the cloud. New to SkyCiv? You can try the free trial SkyCiv for 14 days.

Friday, July 3, 2020

The Architecture Machine: The Role of Computers in Architecture

Today, it is impossible to imagine everyday life in an architectural office without a computer. Bits and bytes have already taken over important tasks in the design and presentation of architecture. The book, published as part of an exhibition of the same name at the Architekturmuseum der TUM in the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich (14.10.2020-10.01.2021), is the first comprehensive look at the development of the digital in architecture.

From its beginnings in the 1950s to the present day, it tells this exciting story in four chapters and presents the computer as a drawing machine, as a design tool, as a medium for storytelling and as an interactive communication platform. The fundamental question behind it is: Has the computer changed architecture? And if so, how much?

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Webinar: Parametric Bridge Design with Rhino/Grasshopper & SOFiSTiK

Webinar: Parametric Bridge Design with Rhino/Grasshopper & SOFiSTiK
Modelling of a Balanced Cantilever Bridge
Date: Thursday, July 16- English
5 PM-6 PM CEST (11 AM-Noon ET)

In this webinar, you'll create a parametric analytical model of a balanced cantilever bridge in Grasshopper. Attach cross-sections, placements, and other relevant information to the road alignment and build a fully parametric bridge model for analysis and design.

Benefit from the streamlined workflow between Grasshopper and SOFiSTiK to maximize efficiency, flexibility, and accuracy.

Bongo 3.0 WIP 4 now available

Bongo 2.0 users are encouraged to download and try this WIP release of the animation plugin for Rhino 6, Bongo 3.0.

New Features:
  • Improved Connections Solver
  • Improved Physics Workflow (BongoAddForceKeyframe and BongoAddTorqueKeyframe Commands, Physics Substepping Document Property)
  • Convert IK models to Connections (BongoConvertIkToConnections Command)
Bongo 3.0 WIP 4 is now available from here.
