Monday, December 21, 2009

Rhino Assembly at University of Michigan Taubman College

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, and Novosibirsk, Russia, December 17, 2009 – The University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and LEDAS Ltd., an independent provider of variational design tools, component technologies, and software development services for CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM market, today announced that LGS 3D geometric constraint solver will be used for scientific research in the field of robotics.

Wesley McGee, a Researcher/Lecturer in Architectural CAD/CAM technologies at the University of Michigan Taubmann College of Architecture and Urban Planning explains: "My current work, along with Dave Pigram of Pratt Institute includes developing robotic scripting applications using Rhinoceros 3D software. We are very interested in LEDAS Rhino Assembly plug-in and the geometric constraint engine it based on. One area we are investigating is the development of kinematic simulation of our robotic workcell in Rhino. We currently use several competing products to handle this, but to have a system completely based in Rhino would provide a lot of freedom. While our scripts are currently very successful at generating robotic code, we still simulate using an offline simulation package. We believe using the LGS 3D engine we may be able to build an offline simulation plug-in for Rhino."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dutch Marine Industry user meeting

Representatives from the leading companies in the Dutch marine industry recently gathered to network and learn from each other how they're using Rhino in their current processes. Through the presentations and discussions that followed, participants learned how they can minimize hours with better integration of Rhino into their workflow of designing and manufacturing yachts and merchant ships.

RhinoCentre organized the event along with the help of TU-Delft University of Marine Technology. Organizers invited McNeel staff to listen in and join the discussion.

Firms represented include:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Grasshopper primer, Spanish edition

Francisco Calvo – Katherine Cáceres from Tectónicas Digitales have translated the Grasshopper primer by Andrew Payne (Lift Architects) to Spanish.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rhino User - Scott Schneider, New Deal Studios

Scott Schneider is a digital set designer and lead artist at New Deal Studios. A few of the films he has worked on include: The Aviator, Night at the Museum 2, The Dark Knight, Whiteout, Watchmen, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Iron Man, I Am Legend, Live Free or Die Hard, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Reign of Fire, The Scorpion King, The One, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Blade, The X Files, Alien: Resurrection, Men in Black, A Dangerous Woman, Jurassic Park, Edward Scissorhands and many more.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

ImportExtender for dental applications

CIMsystem has released a new Beta of the ImportExtender plug-in for Rhino. This add-on allows users open different file formats that come from different specific Dental CAD applications.

Monday, October 12, 2009

RhinoLabsTools Update (October 12, 2009)

The RhinoLabsTools plug-in has been updated to include a new ExplodeLinetype command, which will explode curves with non-continuous linetypes into their component parts.

Thursday, October 8, 2009 - updated

The site now features RhinoScript and Grasshopper script libraries, extensions to the gallery and user profiles.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Import Dental Models into Rhino

CIMSystems has released a beta version of ImportExtender for Rhino to import different file formats that come from different specific dental software: .c3s; .cdt; .st; .art; .cof; .xtl; .nmdl; and .scn.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rhino/Grasshopper Study Session #4 - Tokyo

Rhino and Grasshopper Study Session #4 will be August 20 at Noiz Architects Tokyo office.

Friday, July 31, 2009

MachStudio direct export from Rhino

StudioGPU has released a free Rhino plug-in to directly export 3D models into MachStudio native GXB formats. These models can then be imported into MachStudio Pro where an artist can create and manipulate lights, materials, and HDR cameras in a real-time, non-linear workflow environment to achieve film quality results.

MachStudio Pro harnesses multi-threaded GPU (graphic card processor) computing to change the equation of time vs. quality. Frames that normally take 40 to 80 minutes each to render can be rendered in seconds at comparable quality.

Monday, July 27, 2009

RhinoScript Labs update (July 27, 2009)

RhinoScript is a scripting language based on Microsoft's VBScript language.

With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate a variety of repetitive tasks.

The Labs version of RhinoScript contains additions and modifications to the version of RhinoScript included with Rhino 4.0 SR6.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grasshopper tools in C#

Grasshopper includes an impressive list of components, however, when design tasks become more advanced, you might need a custom component. With scripting components, the user can design their own custom components.

Giulio Piacentino, an architect based in the Netherlands, has been kind enough to share his custom C# components.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Form vs. Shape Advanced Training - now with video

Hydraulic Design's collection of three easy-to-follow advanced tutorials now includes video. This is the product to help bridge the gap between knowing what the tools are and how to apply them to make Rhino do what you want.

They include 'online' HTML and printable PDF versions (about 620 pages total) illustrated with over 2300 screenshots and over an hour of video clips.

Monday, April 20, 2009

RhinoScript Labs Update (April 20, 2009)

RhinoScript is a scripting language based on Microsoft's VBScript language. With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate repetitive tasks.

The Labs version of RhinoScript contains additions and modifications to the version of RhinoScript included with Rhino 4.0 SR5.

The following new functions have been added to the Labs version of RhinoScript:

AddPlanarMesh - Creates a planar mesh from a closed, planar curve.
BoxMorphObject - Bounding box morphs an object.
ClosedCurveOrientation - Returns the orientation of a closed, planar curve.
CurrentDetail - Returns or changes the current detail view in a page layout view.
CurveNormalizedParameter - Converts a normalized curve parameter to a curve parameter.
CurveParameter - Converts a curve parameter to a normalized curve parameter.
DetailNames - Returns the detail views of a page layout view.
DimStyleLengthFactor - Returns or changes the length factor of a dimension style.
DimStylePrefix - Returns or changes the prefix of a dimension style..
DimStyleSuffix - Returns or changes the suffix of a dimension style..
DivideCurveEquidistant - Divides a curve such that the linear distance between the points is equal.
ExtrudeCurveTapered - Extrudes a curve to a taper.
GetMeshFaces - Prompts the user to pick, or select, one or more mesh faces.
GetMeshVertices - Prompts the user to pick, or select, one or more mesh vertices.
IntersectSpheres - Calculates the intersection of two spheres.
IsDetail - Verifies that a detail view is on a page layout view.
IsLayout - Verifies that a view is a page layout view.
IsLayoutObject - Verifies that an object resides in either layout or model space.
IsPointOnMesh - Verifies that a point is on a mesh.
Layer State Methods - Several new layer state methods were added.
LineCylinderIntersection - Calculates the intersection of a line and a cylinder.
LineSphereIntersection - Calculates the intersection of a line and a sphere.
MakeCurveNonPeriodic - Makes a periodic curve non-periodic.
MakeSurfaceNonPeriodic - Makes a periodic surface non-periodic
MeshVertexFaces - Returns the mesh faces that share a mesh vertex.
ObjectLayout - Returns or changes the layout or model space of an object.
PlaneSphereIntersection - Calculates the intersection of a plane and a sphere.
ProjectCurveToMesh - Projects one or more curves onto one or more meshes.
ProjectPointToMesh - Projects one or more points onto one or more meshes.
RemoveCurveKnot - Deletes a knot from a curve.
RemoveSurfaceKnot - Deletes a knot-line from a surface.
ResetMaterial - Resets a material to Rhino's default material.
ReverseSurface - Reverses the direction of a surface object.
ShootRay - Shoots a ray at a collection of surfaces.
SurfaceNormalizedParameter - Converts a normalized surface parameter to a surface parameter.
SurfaceParameter - Converts a surface parameter to a normalized surface parameter.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PanelingTools New Release for Rhino 4.0 SR5

A new release of PanelingTools plug-in for Rhino 4.0 SR5 is available for download.

New Commands:

  • ptSerializeObjects. Adds serializing tag or name to objects (points, curves, surfaces, etc) relative to:
    • Selection order.
    • World coordinates.
    • User-defined direction.
    • Reference surface.
  • ptExtrudeEdges. Extrude paneling edges normal to a base surface or by a user-defined direction.
  • ptOffsetEdges. Offset paneling edges using base surface.
  • ptFinEdges. Fin paneling edges using base surface.

Added features:
  • Added "Connect" option to offset points command to draw connecting lines.
  • Added the ability to define more than one polyline in the 2d pattern manager per pattern.
  • Labels for faces and edges have now a new prefix which is layer name.
  • Changed the name of command ptRemoveOverlap to pCleanOverlap.
  • Added overlap tolerance to ptCleanOverlap command that:
    • Deletes grid points that are within tolerance in the u direction.
    • Moves points within tolerance in v direction to overlap.

Bug fixes:
  • Fix out of memory bug when reading older files. This was due to a bug in the file I/O of previous release. You may loose saved data when you open older data (such as patterns), but reading the file shouldn't cause an out of memory bug. If it does, load protect against PanelingTools (use PluginManager) before opening the file.
  • Fix preview bugs in the 2d pattern manager.
  • Fix a bug when loading PT scripting file for Monkey (.synaxml).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Grasshopper VB Scripting Primer

Dr Patrick Janssen, Department of Architecture at the National University of Singapore, is developing a Grasshopper VB Scripting Primer for his students. He has been kind enough to share it, but he is looking for your feedback on how it can be improved.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fun with Grasshopper

Daniel Piker has been having fun with a Cellular Automata Heightfield (and other things) in Grasshopper.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Escape from Berkeley?

Rhino user, Jack McCornack is looking to change the way we fill up our tanks. And if he figures out how to get up to a hundred miles per gallon he could win the 10 million dollar Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE.

Sponsored by Mother Earth News, Jack with his now famous car, Max, has already won the Escape from Berkeley (by any non-petroleum means necessary) last October.

Josh Zepps from Brink on Discovery's Science Channel tracked down Jack to learn more about how a guy in his garage in Southern Oregon is taking on the automotive giants for the industry's biggest prize.

Friday, January 16, 2009

3DPaintBrush adds Rhino 3DM support

The latest version of 3DPaintBrush now directly imports Rhino's native 3DM files.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ArrayCrvPLUS - new version

Jarek Bieda has just posted version 2.0 of ArrayCrvPLUS for Rhino 4.0 SR4.

ArrayCrvPLUS enables new ways to distribute items along path curves or path curves on surfaces ( polysurfaces, meshes ). It will array any number of items along any number of curve paths. Parameters can be adjusted with preview functionality. In addition, while arraying curves or points, ArrayCrvPLUS can automatically create Loft/Sweep1 surfaces or InterpolatedCurves based on created array of profile items.