Friday, July 31, 2009

Rhino Job in Tarrytown, NY

JCC Metal Manufacturers Inc. is looking for a strong 3D modeler who knows (or wants to learn) how to program 3 and 5 axis routers. You must have experience with the following software: Rhino, SolidWorks and ArtCam.

OSG Composer supports Rhino 3DM files

Simulation Lab Software announced support for Rhino 3DM files in their OSG Composer product. With OSG Composer, users can assemble an Open Scene Graph from many different 3D file formats and then export it to many different easy-to-share formats including osg, obj, 3d PDF, Collada, and Google Warehouse.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Concepts: Captured, Modelled and Produced

Hosted by Coventry University, School of Art & Design, as part of their Summer School Series, Roland DG (UK) Limited, Patrick Thorn & Co and Cadsoft Solutions Limited are supporting a free two day (August 5-6) reverse engineering and Prototyping/CNC training event.

If you want to see how digitising, laser scanning, prototyping solutions can integrate with Rhino, do not miss this event to get some free hands on experience and advice. Emphasis will be on using the captured data with Rhino's mesh and surface tools to construct clean geometry for prototyping and production.

When?: August 5-6.

Where?: Coventry University Summer School, Coventy, UK

Places are limited so please follow this link to see the agenda and to register.

Successful registrants will be informed if there is a place available. Admission confirmation and directions to the university will be supplied.

Registration closes Midnight Monday August 3rd.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Read and Write Rhino files in Pro/E

SYCODE launched fourteen file import and export plug-ins for Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire including:

  • 3DM Import for Pro/ENGINEER – Rhinoceros 3DM file import plug-in
  • 3DM Export for Pro/ENGINEER – Rhinoceros 3DM file export plug-in
These plug-ins are designed to work with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5 Preproduction. All of the products are priced at $195 each and are available as fully functional 10-day/run trials. Each product comes with an installer and detailed documentation in the form of a compiled HTML help file which contains a step-by-step tutorial to get the end user started in the shortest possible time.

RhinoScript Labs update (July 27, 2009)

RhinoScript is a scripting language based on Microsoft's VBScript language.

With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate a variety of repetitive tasks.

The Labs version of RhinoScript contains additions and modifications to the version of RhinoScript included with Rhino 4.0 SR6.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rhino-based JewelMILL announced

JewelMILL, the latest CAM software developed by MecSoft Corporation, is completely integrated inside Rhino and working in conjunction with Roland JewelStudio. JewelMILL provides specialized computer aided manufacturing (CAM) tools to jewelry designers and goldsmiths, with an easy-to-use interface. This product coupled with the Roland JWX/30 milling machine provides a complete jewelry model production solution that allows the user to manufacture intricate wax models of rings, pendants, bracelets, brooches, earrings and cufflinks.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Grasshopper tools in C#

Grasshopper includes an impressive list of components, however, when design tasks become more advanced, you might need a custom component. With scripting components, the user can design their own custom components.

Giulio Piacentino, an architect based in the Netherlands, has been kind enough to share his custom C# components.

New Grasshopper Tutorial

Woo Jae Sung has been teaching Grasshopper workshops at Cornell architecture. He has uploaded his newest tutorial materials to his blog, hoping they will be helpful to all beginning Grasshopper users.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Grasshopper - Parametric Truss Tutorial

David Fano is yet again kind enough to share his Grasshopper expertise in a new video tutorial.

In this Grasshopper video, he will create a parametric truss system by generating and manipulating components and instantiating them onto a lofted geometry.

Rhino 4 SR6 released

Rhino 4 Service Release 6 is now available to download. Owners of Rhino 4 are encouraged to download and install SR6 today. SR6 contains dozens of stability and crash fixes, as well as enhancements to many commands, including:

  • Block: A warning about blocks with no geometry has been added.
  • Open: A confirmation message now appears on the command line.
  • Save:STL - Interface change: The options and prompts for a scripted export of file formats that use the STL mesh setting have been changed to more closely resemble the settings of the Mesh command.
  • Starting Rhino on Vista Improved: previous releases of Rhino 4.0 sometimes would only start when run as Administrator. SR6 should start without administrator permissions.
  • BlockManager: Hidden blocks (with * prefix in the name) did not display correctly. This is fixed.
  • CopyViewportToDetail failed after the first time the command is run. This is fixed.
  • Dim: The hyphen between feet and inches sometimes did not display. This is fixed.
  • DocumentProperties, Render: The Lock viewport aspect ratio was incorrectly not maintained after closing the dialog box. This is fixed.
  • ExtrudeSrfTapered: Failure bug fixed.
  • Insert: A problem with creating layers after the insertion was canceled has been fixed.
  • Installer: A file required for ZPR export was not being installed. This is fixed.
  • Linetypes: The Document Properties Linetype scale incorrectly allowed 0 as a value. This disabled linetypes. This is fixed.
  • Loft command crash fixed.
  • Loft: Several bugs that caused an incorrect surface have been fixed.
  • MacroEditor: A problem with focus to the command line has been fixed.
  • Open:DWG/DXF: A problem opening DXF files has been fixed.
  • Open:DWG: Splines did not read properly. This is fixed.
  • Open:OBJ: Files imported from topmod3D had some gaps. This is fixed.
  • Open:OBJ: OBJ data was not read correctly by Service Release 5b. This is fixed.
  • Open:SKP: An import error has been fixed.
  • Options, Appearance: The Full path in titlebar option did not work properly. This is fixed.
  • Options, Appearance, Advanced Settings: The Export button was incorrectly available even when no scheme is selected for export. This is fixed.
  • PointDeviation: The Apply button did not work correctly. This is fixed.
  • RhinoScript: The RhinoScript page of Options incorrectly allowed the same script file to be added more than once to the list of files to load at startup.
  • Save:3DS: A problem with importing and exporting has been fixed.
  • Save:DWG/DXF: Support for exporting ACIS solids has been added. Create or edit a named export scheme, and change the export option for Rhino surfaces to AutoCAD Solids.
  • Scale1D did not properly update CurvatureAnalysis colors. This is fixed.
  • Toolbar: Graphic images were garbled when toolbar was imported. This is fixed.
  • TriangulateNonPlanarQuads: A problem with the selection calculation has been fixed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rhino software review in AAAI

Nigel Gough has posted his review of Rhino in the latest issue of the Australian Association of Architectural Illustrators (AAAI) online news. Read his review...

Grasshopper workshop - Yale University

Grasshopper Workshop

Join Robert McNeel & Associates and Studio Mode for this three-day intensive Grasshopper workshop led by Brian James, Gil Akos, and Ronnie Parsons. The workshop will introduce participants to beginner and intermediate parametic modeling within Grasshopper for Rhinoceros in close coordination with a 7-axis Kuka Articulated Arm Robot.

Location: Yale University (map)
Dates: September 17, 18, 19; 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Fee: US$395 Professionals/Faculty; US$195 Students
To Register: e-mail: Jody Mills or call (206) 634-4571

Monday, July 20, 2009

RhinoScript workshop in Dubai, July 24-26

July 24-26 - Scripting Generative Systems in Rhino workshop, Dubai, UAE

This workshop is aimed at exploring building generative systems (black boxes) through which designers may explore alternative solutions within a defined context. Examples include: tiling surfaces, exploring spatial configurations and building paneling systems.

Friday, July 17, 2009

A new set of jewelry modeling tutorial videos

Vivian Li: The Skillful-A jewelry modeling course is released now! It's the newest and a new type of course that offers complex single styling course. Near 1 hour, including 7 training videos, costs only USD 12 (upgrade price is USD 8). We now offer this video course and the final model (3dm) for Free to our Technical course customers.

The Fineness Jewelry company has published a series of jewelry modeling courses, from Basic, Advanced, Technical to Skillful. They provide jewelry designers an entrance to the 3D world with an easy way.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

eCAADe Istanbul 2009 McNeel workshops

Sep 14-15 - eCAADe 2009 McNeel workshops, Istanbul, Turkey

eCAADe (Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe) is a non-profit association of institutions and individuals with a common interest in promoting good practice and sharing information in relation to the use of computers in research and education in architecture and related professions.

The 27th eCAADe Conference will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) on September 16-19.

McNeel Europe has organized the following free workshops for the conference attendees on September 14-15:

  • Rhinoceros - NURBS 3D Modeling
    In this class you'll learn to create and edit accurate free-form 3D NURBS models. This fast-moving class covers most of Rhino's functionality, including the most advanced surfacing commands. While the base will be the Rhino Level 1 training, we have prepared specific architecture examples and an overview of PanelingTools.
    - Instructor: Carlos Pérez, Rhinoceros Training Specialist - McNeel Europe

  • RhinoScript, VB Scripting in Rhino
    In this intensive 2-day workshop you will learn how to extend Rhino’s functionalities and your user experience through creating and executing scripts. This class covers the basics of Visual Basic Script [vbScript], the main scripting language used within the Rhino environment. Participants will learn about using variables, arrays, conditional statements, looping, and custom functions in order to exploit the scripting functionality embedded into Rhino.
    - Instructor: Luis Fraguada, Architect - Live Architecture Network

  • Grasshopper, Generative Modeling for RhinoFor designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators from the simple to the awe-inspiring.
    - Instructor: Giulio Piacentino (, Architect - McNeel Europe

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

ParaCloud GEM 3.0 release

ParaCloud is happy to announce the release of GEM Version 3.0. The GEM platform is growing fast, providing advanced functionality with a simple to use interface. ParaCloud GEM is the most accessible generative design solution available today, with no requirement for scripting or spaghetti wiring.

ParaCloud GEM is a great companion for Rhino 4.0 and Rhino OS X. You can give it a try at

RhinoScript & Maxwell Render Training in Dubai

July 15-18 -
Introduction To RhinoScript & Maxwell Render workshop, Dubai, UAE
In this workshop we aim to highlight two of the main reasons why designers may choose to explore design solutions via scripting. These are automation and embedding of logic. Automation being the ability to delegate tasks to the computer (thus build a computerized product) and embedding of rules being the ability to express design intentions via a set of conditional statements.

We will explore the above through RhinoScript. As this workshop is built for non-programmers, it will cover basics of programming and explore/analyze a number of Rhino scripts in order to build new ones.

We will also get a preview and explore methods to create realistic renderings with Maxwell Render.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Free Rhino Webinar, July 22

C&G TV online invites you to a free Rhino webinar on July 22 (Seoul time) with S.H. Yoon from McNeel Asia as an instructor.

This webinar will cover free-form 3D modeling and parametrics in Rhino including RhinoScript and Grasshopper.

One lucky participant will win a free copy of Rhino.

Date : Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Time: 3pm ~ 4pm (UTC/GMT +9)
Instructor: S.H. Yoon (McNeel Asia)

This webinar is free and will be conducted in Korean.

For more details and pre-registration, click here (in Korean language only).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Opening of the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart

Opening of the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart. Inauguration Lecture by Prof. Achim Menges

In recent years, the impact of computer processes on the fields of design, planning, and construction has accelerated. Never before has such a broad range of technologies been available to architects within such a short period of time. This is different due to the proliferation and use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) as a digital drawing tool and means for efficient project planning and coordination. The technologies available address the growing importance of computational design as a novel, integrative, and substantial design tool that poses the need for fundamental changes in design methodology for architectural practice.

For the teaching and research of this topic, the Institute for Computational Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Stuttgart has been newly founded under the direction of Professor Achim Menges, who has previously taught for seven years at the renowned Architectural Association in London. The scientific team, led by Professor Menges and consisting of experts who recently completed their studies in London, have been employed since the beginning of the year and are investigating the possibilities of an architectural design process that navigates the complex interactions of material, shape, structure, and environment through generative, computational processes. The research has focused on new techniques, such as parametric, algorithmic and evolutionary design strategies, to introduce functional, constructive, and creative values to the initial stages of a design process that intends to find potential solutions in the integration of such criteria.

On July 9th, Prof. Achim Menges, in his inaugural lecture, will describe the intentions for the teaching and research of the Institute. As a part of the event, Brett Steele, director of the Architectural Association of London, will lecture on the future challenges of architectural training and practice.

The event takes places from 19.00h to 21.00h at the University of Stuttgart, Kepler Strasse 17 in Auditorium 17.02. The Institute website is also online at

The Institute uses Rhino in their research work and is an integral part of the coursework being taught. They have set Rhino as the software used for the CAD fundamentals taught to all first-year architecture students.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

T-Splines training in Pasadena, July 16

Forward Design Office in Pasadena is offering a T-Splines for Rhino training workshop. Hosted by Forward Design Office and taught by T-Splines founder, Matt Sederberg. Register now for this one-day class.

Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009
Time: 5:00 PM-9:30 PM
Location: Forward Design Office, 758 E Colorado Blvd Suite 210, Pasadena, CA 91101
Cost: US$750.00 (copy of T-Splines 2.0 included) or US$200.00 (class only)

Laptops are required for this course; space is limited. Email Jeffrey Kim to register today!


Opening in NYC

THEVERYMANY / Marc Fornes with Skylar Tibbits and Mat Staudt
Territory for design research via RhinoScripting
(part of "Wild child" curated by Peter Macapia)

Bridge Gallery (NYC)
98 Ochard Street
New York NY 10002
Opening: Thursday July 9th (6-8:30 pm)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

PanelingTools Manual and Update

PanelingTools manual (about 80 pages) and a new release of PanelingTools plug-in are now available for download. The manual includes detailed description of paneling process, commands and options. The new release has the following additions and fixes:

  • Fixed a bug when creating flat faces. They used to fail when selecting a base surface.
  • Added ptShiftGrid button to the toolbar and menu.
  • Added grouped serialized mesh faces instead of one mesh when using AddMesh option in ptPanelGrid command.
  • Added preceding zeros to objects names in ptSerializeObjects command for better numeric ordering.
  • Fixed crash in ptUnrollEdges command when edges are outside the reference surface or polysurface.
  • Fixed a crash bug in ptPanelSurface and ptPanelGrid commands.
  • Fixed a crash bug when paneling with "Iso" option.
  • Toolbar commands now cancel current command when calling them.

Form vs. Shape Advanced Training - now with video

Hydraulic Design's collection of three easy-to-follow advanced tutorials now includes video. This is the product to help bridge the gap between knowing what the tools are and how to apply them to make Rhino do what you want.

They include 'online' HTML and printable PDF versions (about 620 pages total) illustrated with over 2300 screenshots and over an hour of video clips.

Jewelry Tutorials for Rhino

Cadwax has published 12 jewelry tutorials.

Try the sample...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Savanna3D - is shipping

Savanna3D is a broad and useful set of blocks created for Rhino 4.0 or above. It contains over 1,000 detailed 3d models, in 3DM format, grouped by type or function. These collections bring together an extensive and complete library of Rhino blocks prepared for architectural and interior design purposes. Now you can improve your space design productivity with various collections of commonly used objects.

Savanna3D is available from Rhino dealers worldwide.

  • The commercial user price is US$/€195.
  • Introductory offer US$/€145 until 30-Sept-2009.
More details, or buy...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Master in Advanced Design of Spaces and Materials - Barcelona, 2009-2010

Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny (Barcelona, Spain), affiliated to Universitat Pompeu Fabra, has already available for the academic year 2009/2010 the New Master in Advanced Design of Space and Materials.

Rhino, Grasshopper, RhinoCAM and RhinoMembrane have been chosen as advanced design resources for Digital Design and Fabrication.

See for additional details.

VisualARQ for Rhino - Beta 7

VisualARQ for Rhino Beta 7 is available to download now, including new features and many bug fixes. This beta version is near feature complete, so it's your chance to contribute.