Saturday, June 28, 2008

PanelingTools for Rhino Updated

A new release of PanelingTools plug-in for Rhino 4.0 is available for download. New in this release:

  • Added new commands to manipulate paneling grid:
    • ptCloseGrid: Close grid in U or V direction.
    • ptCompactGrid: Remove grid holes.
    • ptGridSeam: Change grid seam (for closed grid).
    • ptRemoveOverlap: Remove overlapped (coincident) grid points.
    • ptShiftGrid: Shifts selected points in a grid.
  • Added two new options to built-in patterns:
    • "New": enable user-defined pattern.
    • "TriBasic" a variation of triangular pattern.
  • The option "AddFaces" now creates EdgeSrf or Patches depending on number of edges.
  • Added option to ptPanelCurve to define a direction line.
  • Added option to ptPanelGridQuads command to triangulate remaining non-planar faces.
  • Made many UI refinements, changed command names and options to be more clear.
  • Fixed out-of-memory bug when using large set of points in a grid.
  • Fixed few crash bugs and memory leaks.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grasshopper for Rhino updated

A minor update is available which fixes a number of problems.

  • All drawing routines have been adjusted to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) drawing related crashes. Also, error handling has been improved which (again, hopefully) should make display crashes less fatal.
  • A crash bug related to viewport refresh events when the preview is disabled has been fixed.
  • The expression parser incorrectly handled the AND operator as String concatenation.
  • A Flip curve component has been added.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jarek on RhinoScript, Grasshopper, and more...

Jarek Bieda from HOK is kind enough to start sharing his in-house RhinoScript code. The first one is ArrayCrvPLUS, that adds new ways of arraying items along path curves or path curves on surface.

Stay tuned... He will be posting more as he gets the interface and error handling tuned up.

Monday, June 23, 2008

VisualARQ for Rhino Beta 1 announced

VisualARQ is an application designed for the architectural sector. It uses the accessible and intuitive Rhino interface, providing the tools which make the architectural design process and its documentation much easier to handle.

VisualARQ’s architectural objects are parametric; this means that you can define, vary and edit their pre-set values at any time. Automatic recalculation adjusts them to these changes. This makes the work process more efficient and offers endless possibilities.

In addition to being parametric, VisualARQ architectonic objects are also “intelligent”, as they behave like the real components they represent, thereby facilitating creating and editing processes: The door and window elements are associated with the walls they belong to; when any of these elements are moved, modified or removed, the wall is automatically updated adapting to the change. Railings and stairs work in the same way. VisualARQ can also automatically resolve buttresses and wall intersections.

VisualARQ Beta 1 fixes all existing bugs found in the previous WIP versions and adds new features as well as restyled toolbars.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

T-Splines 2.0 WIP 6 for Rhino available

Check out the new editing tools in this new work-in-progress version. Be sure to watch the video. Very fun.

RhinoScript Labs Updated

RhinoScript is a scripting language based on Microsoft's VBScript language. With RhinoScript, you can quickly add functionality to Rhino, or automate repetitive tasks. The Labs version of RhinoScript contains additions and modifications to the version of RhinoScript included with Rhino 4.0 SR3.

Friday, June 20, 2008

HyperShot for Rhino

LONG BEACH, CA, June 19, 2008 – Bunkspeed announced today the beta release of its hyperShot® plug-in for Rhino.

This free Rhino plug-in allows users to assign hyperShot materials inside Rhino to their model and to layers. All material, texture, layer, and camera information is maintained in the Rhino model and is pushed to hyperShot when the Rhino render button is clicked.

Grasshopper for Rhino updated

This release fixes a bug in the previous release which prevented Sliders and Switches from appearing on the Remote Panel.

Additional features:

  • Curve parameters can now reference (poly)surface edges.
  • Point parameters can now reference (sub)surface uv coordinates.
  • Point parameters can now reference points along curves and edges. Options are for:
    • Parameter ratio along curve or edge
    • Distance from the start of the edge or curve
    • Distance from the end of the edge or curve

V-Ray for Rhino - Service Release

This free Service Release of ASGvis' V-Ray for Rhino provides a new network licensing system, a more efficient rendering workflow using a highly optimized distributed rendering system, and the other new features from V-Ray core 1.60.15. The network licensing system offers the option of a stand-alone or floating license.

Details and download...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

T-Splines for Rhino tutorials

Three new tutorials, highlighting three basics of T-Splines for Rhino free-form modeling.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rayflectar Graphics - Timer Utility, etc.

Thomas Anagnostou at Rayflectar Graphics has been kind enough to share the many tools he has developed for his own in-house use.

The latest is a Project Timers for automatic tracking of project time. This free utility helps keep track of time spent on Rhino projects and other documents.

Other free utilities and scripts include:

Units Converter Tool - Calculate conversions between units. This is a free utility that helps in conversion of multiple units at a once..

Gear Generator - Involute Gear Generator

Harmony - Manipulate clusters of objects
This is a script to distribute various transformation aspects to any number (cluster) of objects, such as distribution of:

  • Equidistance (distribute object equally spaced)
  • Alignment (align to any of x,y axis or to the curvature of a surface)
  • Object displacement (controlled by surface deltas)
  • Rotation (constant to any of x,y,z axis, or controlled by surface deltas)
  • Scale (constant to any of x,y,z axis, or controlled by surface deltas)
  • Jitter (displacement, rotation or scale randomness to any of x,y,z directions or controlled by surface deltas)
IsoMatch - Isometric view match
The user can draw any two planar lines representing the X and Y-axis of an axonometric view and the script will convert a perspective viewport to a parallel view with corresponding camera angle. If the user constructs the XY guides with a specific angle (eg 30-30) then the result will be an isometric view..

MinBox - Minimum Bounding Box
This is a RhinoScript to generate the minimum bounding box of any 3D object (or objects) including planar objects..

CameraLine - Manipulate Camera-Target
This simple Rhino script fits the current camera-target to any line segment. It is possible to either extract a line representing the current camera-target, or assign the camera to a new line. This is also a good way to have a number of lines (as a visual cue) of several possible camera locations. Use this tool to fine-tune focal distances (accurate adjustment of Depth-of-Field) for render engines such as Maxwell.

MeshFlatten for Rhino announced

Today RESURF announced MeshFlatten for Rhino, a plug-in for Rhino. This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to unroll the selected mesh model. MeshFlatten for Rhino is designed to be extremely user friendly. Users just select a mesh and click right-mouse button, and the flatten result will be calculated automatically. Command: RsMeshFlatten

Saturday, June 14, 2008

DrawOrder - a Labs Project

Set draw order per layer and per object

In Rhino, objects are normally drawn based on their distance away in 3D. Unfortunately, for 2D layout that is not always the best. So like many drafting and illustration products, this Labs plug-in provides the controls to set the draw order by layer and by object.

Grasshopper 0.3 released

Generative Modeling for Rhino

For designers who are exploring new shapes using generative algorithms, Grasshopper™ is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3D modeling tools. Unlike RhinoScript, Grasshopper requires no knowledge of programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build form generators — from the simple to the awe-inspiring.

*The software formerly know as Explicit History

Friday, June 13, 2008

RhinoTerrain 1.0 released

RhinoTerrain SARL today announced the release of RhinoTerrain 1.0 for Rhinoceros 4.0, a plugin for the generation and analysis of accurate 3D terrain models architecture, survey, civil engineering, and landscaping practices plus support for output to 3D printers. Features include:
  • Fast Terrain Creation - Support for input using points, lines, and curves with HardBreaklines and SoftBreakline options. RhinoTerrain will work with very large data sets at speed, supporting several million input points.
  • True terrain visualization - OrthoPhoto mapping with geographical referencing for true terrain visualization or 3D printing.
  • Contour Curve Generation - Supporting automatic contour height annotation, making full use of multicore processors for larger terrains.
  • Slope and height gradient analysis - User-defined color gradient options, producing beautiful images.
  • Terrain Import - USGS DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and ArcView ShapeFile importer.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Windows Service Version of Zoo Available

The new Labs version of the Zoo runs as a Windows Service. Thus, if you reboot the system, you do not have to log onto the system to start the Zoo. The Labs version of the Zoo will also let you share CD-Keys across a routed network.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Rhino Jewelry Tutorial CD

Vivian Li has just published her first Rhino Jewelry Tutorial CD. It includes over 5 hours of video instruction in 35 courses.

RhinoScript - Archimedean Spirals

Here is a new example that creates Archimedean Spirals using RhinoScript.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

User: Delta Marine mega-yachts

The style of Delta's fully custom yachts combines classic sophistication with the modern curves that could only come from today’s most advanced design and production techniques. Cantu and his associate, senior designer Joe Petrich, attribute the firm’s success to a close collaboration with clients, as well as the intelligent use of 3D design technology. 3D tools not only shape the distinctive look of Delta's yachts, but have in many ways shaped the evolution of the firm.