Wednesday, December 12, 2018

ETSAM Master’s Degree in Advanced Infographics in Madrid, Spain

Dates: January–June 2019
Place: Madrid, School of Architecture (ETSAM)
Registration period: open until 15 December 2019

MIAU4 (Postgraduate Program in Advanced Infographics UPM) applications are still open. 

MIAU Research Lines focus student´s production on cutting-edge topics at the intersection of technology and design.

MIAU is an official Instrumental Specialization Course for idealization and creative experimentation in architecture, from its generation to its representation: Project Generation + Computer Graphics + New Technologies + Production Lab. Rhinoceros, Grasshopper (and its add-ins) and VisualARQ will be used during the course progress. 

Get in touch, arrange a meeting, apply, or just say hi sending an email to

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