Saturday, December 7, 2013

Rhino and Grasshopper help save bees. You can too.

McGill University School of Architecture is encouraging both design and social responsibility. McGill University's architectural research students are designing the b-Shack,a highly innovative beehive observation and study center. The b-Shack is being designed in Rhino, fabricated and assembled by the students. The project simultaneously encourages this group of young students in architectural research to be responsible through the creation of a real world response to this plight of the bees.  It will provide promotional and infrastructural support to urban beekeeping communities, in particular, the non-profit Montreal’s collectives: Santropol Roulant and the McGill Apiary Association. The program will allow these groups of volunteer educators and amateur beekeepers to share their knowledge and interest in bees with the public, while engaging in bio resource engineering research initiatives focused on Colony Collapse Disorder. 

The b-Shack is raising $35,000 through a crowd funding campaign.

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