Saturday, December 12, 2020

Rendering and Materials in Rhino 7 Webinar with Brian James


Rhino3D.Education invites you to a Rendering and Materials in Rhino 7 Webinar with Brian James. 

Brian James is part of the team at Robert McNeel & Associates where Rhinos grow. He provides technical support and training to users of Rhinoceros 3D and also teaches part-time in the Industrial Design department of the Rhode Island School of Design.

Brian will go over the new 'Rhino Render' in Rhino 7. Material creation and settings will be explained using the included material library as well as the provided template materials. Physically-based materials, texture mapping, emissive materials for lighting, and denoiser post effects will also be covered. 

Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Time: 11:00 a.m. (EST)
Open to the public with prior registration.

Questions? Contact Lucia Miguel at

Check out Rhino3D.Education for the latest courses on Rhino, Grasshopper, and more!

1 comment:

Rob said...

Missed this. Will there be a recording available to view later?