Monday, September 3, 2012

Co-de-iT Grasshopper workshop in Vienna

Vienna (Austria)
September 13-16, 2012

The "Informed Skins" workshop aims at managing and developing the relationship between information and geometry working on condition-specific envelope systems. Surface discretization (paneling), driving geometry through information (whether coming from environmental analysis or any kind of database), extracting and managing information for construction processes all require an understanding of data structures in order to build seamless design-to-construction pipelines. Through visual scripting in Grasshopper (Generative modeling plugin for Rhino) participants will learn how to build and develop parametric data structures (from basic simple lists to complex data trees), data-driven geometry and envelopes and how to extract relevant information from such models for construction processes. Participants will also develop a personal envelope project and its full design-to-construction pipeline.

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