Monday, January 13, 2020

Controlmad Master Course in Parametric Design (Madrid, Spain)

*Important: This edition has been postponed due to the COVID-19 situation. If you are interested in the new dates, please email

A unique study program in the world that introduces you to parametric design and digital manufacturing in product design, architecture, landscape, and digital fabrication... through the creation of physical and digital parametric models using as main tools Grasshopper for Rhino and our CNC machines (Computer Numerical Control).

The course is divided into five groups with several units. Each unit aims to teach students new parametric tools based on Grasshopper.

  • Group I - NURBS modeling (Rhino, Grasshopper)
  • Group II - Digital Fabrication (visits to outstanding parametric buildings)
  • Group III - Mesh modeling (Grasshopper for organic design, structural analysis, and form-finding)
  • Group IV - Interoperability (Grasshopper and its connection with Arduino, sensors, data from the Internet, Python...)
  • Group V - Thesis (individual work on the main interests of the student based on the previous units + V-Ray for rendering)
For parametric fabrication, the course uses a CNC 3-axis milling machine large size, 3D printers FDM, and a Trotec Laser machine. Material prototyping is included in the course.

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