Thursday, November 28, 2019

Emarf - A new furniture design service that uses Grasshopper to create customizable templates

Vuild (Kawasaki, Japan) released Emarf, a new web service that allows anyone to customize furniture characteristics by interactively changing parameters through their web app. The design updates in real time on the screen. Once you decide on the parameters, you can export your design as CAM data that can be sent directly to a ShopBot machine at any of the studios Vuild partners with for CNC milling. You can then have your furniture delivered or you can pick it up at the studio.

You can also create Emarf templates by uploading Grasshopper files with their original components. The plugin for this is available on food4Rhino.

The service is currently only available in Japan, but Vuild is considering expanding it worldwide and is looking for partners.

For more information, feedback, and questions, please contact Vuild.

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