Friday, March 28, 2014

Thinking about tensile structures?

Joe Roper has been. Check out his blog where he explores the work of Frei Otto using Rhino, Grasshopper, Kangaroo, and the Weaverbird.

1 comment:

shehzad irani said...

Seriously? What's "new" about this?? Rhino membrane / Tensover FF, Ferrari sketch, and Mehler Draw has been around for a long time and i feel you should check it out. Just piggy-backing on "Frei Otto" by being able to do some form-finding examples of some models that simply look like his work doesn't bite much..

The real incredible thing that prof. Otto and his team achieved were the incredible resolution of forms using soap skins and stockings, and then beyond that, to be able to translate the details and the engineering to build safe and stable structures with compelling geometry and incredible scales. A greater part of the tensile community does this every day... so ?