Friday, February 14, 2014

Rhino-DAY - Guadalajara, Mexico

 Rhino-DAY Workshops and Lectures, April 2-5 
Tec de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico - Campus
RhinoFabStudio and  Tecnológico de Monterrey-Guadalajara will host two days of workshops + two days of lectures on April 2-5, 2014.

Presenters will talk about their professional fields and how they use 3D modeling and design in real-life projects -- from jewelry to product design, furniture, and architecture. Join us and discover the principles of designing interactivity. Learn how to rationalize complex geometry into a format suitable for analysis and fabrication. Or discern validated environmental simulations directly to the conceptual design environments in Rhino and Grasshopper.


Take advantage of these incredible prices!!!.  
You can register for any of the workshops or lectures by clicking here 

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