Friday, June 23, 2017

Introductory Webinar on RhinoCFD by CHAM and Novedge - July 5

July 5, 2017
11 AM-12 PM PDT

CHAM and Novedge invite you to this introductory webinar on RhinoCFD, to take place on Wednesday, July 5, from 11 AM to 12 PM (PDT). 

RhinoCFD is the first plugin to bring a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver to Rhino 5, allowing users to explore the impact and efficiency of their designs in a familiar environment.

This webinar introduces the concept of CFD to novel users as well as shows how to use the software with practical examples covering urban flow, interior ventilation, flow past ships hulls, forces on sails, and jewelry casting.

It is suited to everyone interested in fluid dynamics--in particular, architects, built-environment engineers, naval and marine designers, and industrial engineers.

CHAM’s Engineering Manager Andrew Carmichael will host this webinar.

This webinar is free but space is limited. Save the date and reserve your webinar seat now!

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