Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Available soon: View Optimization Using Galapagos for Grasshopper

ThinkParametric added a new online tutorial to their Foundation Training Courses: Views Optimization Using Galapagos for Grasshopper. This course will focus on creating your own optimization tools inside Grasshopper using Galapagos, optimizing building shapes according to their views.

This course is a continuation of the Galapagos 101 course and a more hands-on case study.

Galapagos uses an evolutionary-based algorithmic solver. A population of candidate solutions is maintained, and new candidate solutions are generated randomly by mutating or recombining variants in the existing population. By applying a selection criterion the population is pruned. The best candidates survive into the next generation. Iterated over many generations, the quality of the solutions in the candidate pool gradually increases.

By mastering Galapagos and understanding the power of an evolutionary solver, you can make smarter and better-informed decisions early in the design process.

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