Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Advancing Wood Architecture Symposium in Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Friday, March 27, 2015

Organized by the Institute for Computational Design, the Advancing Wood Architecture Symposium will convene for a full day at the main auditorium of the DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum (German Architecture Museum) in Frankfurt, Germany.

It will offer a comprehensive overview of the new architectural possibilities enabled by cutting‐edge digital technologies in wood construction through the works of four leading design research groups in Europe:
  • ETH Zürich, Gramazio Kohler Research, Prof. Matthias Kohler
  • IBOIS EPFL Lausanne, Laboratory for Timber Construction, Prof. Yves Weinand
  • Design & Make Hooke Park, Architectural Association LondonProgramme, Director Martin Self
  • ICD University of Stuttgart, Institute for Computational Design, Prof. Achim Menges
Introduction and Moderation by Prof. Axel Kilian (Princeton University)
Roundtable Discussion with Prof. Johan Bettum (SAC Staedelschule Frankfurt)

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