Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Singapore National Stadium, Singapore

Stadium of the Year 2014 winner, Public Vote #8, Jury Vote #3
Location: Singapore
Design: Arup Associates, DP Architects

The Singapore National Stadium's architecturally appealing roof structure is comprised of a series of 3D triangular trusses. For this design, Arup needed to fully integrate both the architectural and structural design. They established a common interface to transfer the parametric intelligence between the various software. Software that included Digital Projects, Rhino, and Oasys GSA (Arup's structural analysis package). The linking optimized the roof's form with the varied truss depths, layout to arch rise, and other geometry defining parameters. With this efficiency, the team could iterate through the varied possible design solutions.

Friday, March 20, 2015

LastElf new features

LastElf has announced two sets of new features:

New features for verifying two lasts:
  • 2D section comparison
  • 3D last comparison
These features can output the comparison results easily and quickly.

New features for orthopedic lasts and customized lasts.

PatternElf released

PatternElf is a new footwear plugin for Rhino 5 developed by DES. PatternElf has two design procedures, 3D/2D and 2D Only.

  • Reverse engineering for shoe lasts, meshes to NURBS.
  • 3-D last flattening, halves design procedures (Merge, Length, Spring, Lasting).
  • Imports ImagineElf3D files, creates 2D halves / 2D curves / 2D patterns automatically.
  • Drawing curves on 3D lasts, 2D halves, or simultaneously.
  • Pattern design by Pattern Engineer (same with 2D Only design procedure).
2-D Only
  • Designs 2D sketch on halves.
  • Creates 2D patterns from 2D sketches.
  • Pattern design by Pattern Engineer
  • Object-oriented pattern design (Allowance, Stencil, Notches...)
  • Object-oriented pattern morph (Spring, Match, Straighten, Crease...)
  • Process (History) editor.
  • Exports to cutting machine. (HPGL format)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus León

Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus León
Authorized RhinoFabStudio

The University Tecnológico de Monterrey, located in León, Mexico, offers educational programs in their RhinoFabStudio León.

Xavier Martinez is the Director of the Industrial Design Program of the University. He gives a great explanation of what the degree is about in this video.

Visit their RhinoFabStudio León site which is a place were they share and display the work of their students.

For more information, please contact Xavier Martinez or call +52 477 710 9000.

What is a RhinoFabStudio? RhinoFabStudio™ (fabrication studio) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.