Friday, April 20, 2012

VisualARQ 1.5 webinar, April 25

Join Francesc Salla, VisualARQ Product Manager, for a fast-paced and exciting demonstration of VisualARQ 1.5.

Introduction to VisualARQ 1.5 webinar
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
8:00am-10:00am (PDT)

Sign up today!

Attendance is free; registration is required.

Features of VisualARQ 1.5:

  • Design architecture in an intuitive, easy and efficient way.
  • Save time by generating project documentation automatically from the 3D model.
  • All floor plans, sections, elevations, surfaces, dimensions, and object information are linked to and created from the 3D model. All drawings are updated automatically after any change.
  • Create, customize and edit walls, stairs, beams, doors, windows, and other architectural objects anytime. Their parametric properties allow them to be easily edited and generate data automatically.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rhino and V-Ray open house - Hamburg (Germany)

Rhino and V-Ray open house
picturetools, Hamburg (Germany)
25 April 2012

picturetools invites you to an open house in Hamburg, where Jens Bingenheimer (Formherr Industriedesign) and Gerrit Corsmeyer (Chaos Software Distribution Deutschland) will show the latest news about Rhino and V-Ray 1.5, as well as a tips & tricks session.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

USC Design Faculty Search

The School of Architecture at the University of Southern California (USC) is seeking both tenured and tenure-track faculty candidates in the area of architectural design. The tenure candidate will be expected to assume a leadership position in architectural design, education and exploration.  A candidate's design excellence must be manifested through creativity in architectural design and/or practice, and through criticality in architectural research. Read more...

The requirements for the position(s) include an M.Arch degree or a B.Arch degree with another relevant masters degree. Candidates with demonstrated excellence in publishing, design, practice, and/or funded research, as well as teaching, are encouraged to apply.