Friday, November 29, 2019

ShapeDiver plugin v1.6

The new version of the ShapeDiver plugin is now available!

One of the new features is the gITF Exporter for Rhino. gITF has become the standard format for displaying geometry online. It loads fast and is widely compatible with online 3D technologies. It is the first gITF exporter for Rhino and it is compatible with version 5, version 6, and with your Grasshopper definitions.

Another interesting feature is the Geometry Gym Integration. GeometryGym is a popular plugin for the AEC users to simplify interoperability between Rhino+Grasshopper and other software packages used in the industry such as Revit and ARCHICAD.

Here is a few of the other updates rolled out with this new plugin:
  • Support for the Dendro plugin: Dendro is a popular plugin for volumetric modeling in Grasshopper. Download the plugin and check out an example model on ShapeDiver.
  • New export formats: The ShapeDiver export components now support one additional geometry format (OBJ) and three other text-based formats (XML, JSON, and of course, IFC).
  • New helper component for extracting mesh UVs: A simple but crucial operation not natively available in Grasshopper.
  • Support for polyline JSON data output.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wallacei update

Wallacei has a new version for solving optimization problems.

Use Wallacei, a plugin for Grasshopper, to run simulations through genetic algorithms for solving optimization problems.

In version 2.5, the Wallacei update has several new features, including a new clustering method (agglomerative hierarchical clustering), an autosave feature, Pareto front calculation for the entire population, streamlined performance, and more. Also, the Wallacei primer has been updated.

Visit Wallacei to download the primer and learn more about the new features in the latest version of Wallacei.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New - KeyShot 9 for Rhino Video

In this video, Phil Cook from Simply Rhino takes a look at KeyShot 9. KeyShot is an easy to use, photorealistic renderer without a steep learning curve.

This new version of KeyShot, version 9, features many enhancements and new features.

For this video Phil has chosen five of these new KeyShot features that may be the most interesting to Rhino users. These are:

  • Fuzz (Pro version only)
  • Denoise
  • GPU Rendering
  • Real Cloth (Pro version only)
  • Model Library

As well as introducing the new features, there is a short tutorial on modeling a tennis ball in Rhino and rendering this in KeyShot using the new Fuzz material. There is also a breakdown of the hardware requirements for GPU rendering.

Please note that this video is made with pre-release versions of KeyShot 9. Some features may be improved in the shipped product.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Grasshopper workshop in Barcelona by ADDA-LAB

A 3-day Grasshopper Introductory workshop by ADDA-Lab in Barcelona, November 27-29.

Contact to register!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Programmed Deformation V2.0 workshop in Bucharest

Programmed Deformation V2.0
Textile 3D Printing Workshop
February 29-March 4

A complex articulated equilibrium in the form of tridimensional curvature patterns is delineated through the interaction between two divergent material behaviors: On the one hand, the stored elastic energy of stretched textiles. On the other hand, the stiffness of a thermoplastic polymer distributed heterogeneously through 3D printed algorithmically generated patterns. The two material components form a hybrid system with a smooth aesthetic appearance, inherent material efficiency, and structural stability.

The underlying concept behind tension-active structures is to store energy in the textile material before 3D printing and then release that energy to affect the form and function.

Through digital material behavior simulations as well as large scale prototyping the workshop will bridge the gap between digital and physical. It will provide participants with insights into the behavior of tension-active structures.

The workshop will introduce the principles behind tension-active structures in a fabrication-oriented environment. The participants will learn how to digitally simulate the behavior in the GrasshopperKangaroo plugin. The participants will then fabricate their designs on a large Delta Wasp 3MT 3D printer with a maximum build volume of 1m x 1m x 1m and receive real-world feedback for their designs.

What you will learn:
  • Tension-active structures behavior simulation
  • Real-world fabric and tension simulation
  • 3D printing with a large format Delta Wasp
  • Large scale 3D printing on stretched textiles
  • Robotic 3D printing designing with Grasshopper
  • Physics simulations with Grasshopper

Monday, November 18, 2019

Rhino.Inside.Revit video tutorials by Gavin Crump

Gavin Crump, BIM Manager at Crone Architects, is raving about Rhino.Inside—and producing a series of tutorials on bridging Rhino and Revit together.

Using Grasshopper in Revit is a massive breakthrough for computational designers. Rhino.Inside.Revit gives you access to Rhino/Grasshopper within Revit. 

In this first tutorial, Gavin covers accessing Revit elements via Grasshopper, then baking them into a Rhino model.

More tutorials are in Gavin's future agenda, including reading and setting parameter values in Revit. 
You can download Rhino.Inside (free if you have a Rhino 6 license).