Monday, April 22, 2019

Carbon fiber and teak chair

Carbon fiber + teak + Rhino =  the Cesare Monti Carbon Fiber + Teak Wood Chair.

See more designs at

Friday, April 12, 2019

ICERM workshop: Illustrating Geometry and Topology

Obstructions to regular homotopy in smooth and polyhedral surfaces.
Image by Albert Chern, Ulrich Pinkall, and Peter Schröder.

ICERM (The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics)

September 16-20
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island

This workshop focuses on the interaction between visualization, computer experiment, and theoretical advances in research in geometry and topology. 

These interactions have a long history, with physical models and computer images and animations providing both an illustration of existing work and an inspiration for new developments. Emerging visualization technologies, such as virtual reality, will make more tools available for mathematical illustration and experimentation. 

ICERM brings together expert practitioners of mathematical visualization techniques and researchers interested in incorporating such tools into their research. This workshop gives a clear picture of the state of the art of this fast-moving field while also fostering new collaborations and innovations in illustrating geometry and topology.