Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Holographic Technology of Echo Flowers

The Holographic Technology and its digital fabrication system have been developed exclusively within Rhino over the past 20 years.

Simple ancient geometry drawing techniques were used to develop this interesting system based on the research of cymatics in three-dimensional spaceThe Sophia Construct, its flagship, is a reflection of the dodecahedron and one example of the infinite variations of the holographic modular architectural shell structure.

Anyone over the age of 7 is able to learn this simple construction technology with the help of Rhino. You can download all the models, files, and pictures here to print or laser cut under the conditions of a reflective payment.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Merging culture with technology

Sitka High School junior Asa Demmert watches over the computer numerical control router carving his paddle. (KCAW Photo / Enrique Pérez de la Rosa)

A 3D modeled Tlingit paddle. The perfect marriage of culture and technology. 

Mike Vieira, the Design and Fabrication instructor at Sitka High, has co-developed a paddle carving project with Charlie Skultka Jr., a traditional arts instructor with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska.

Sitka High School's paddle carving projects were designed in Rhino, tool pathed in Aspire, and manufactured on a ShopBot.

It's an example of evolving art and sustaining the culture of the Tlingit people.