Grasshopper 0.5 for Rhino 4.0 is now available to download.
This major new release has a huge list of new features and enhancements, including:
- C# and VB.NET scripting components.
- BarGraph component for real time visualization for large amounts of numbers.
- Fibonacci sequence component.
- Jitter component.
- More Interval(2D) components.
- Rotate plane component.
- Circle/Arc center and radius extractor.
- Explode curve component.
- Rectangle and Polygon components.
- Plane surface component.
- Flip surface component.
- Curve region union component.
- Mass addition, Mean (average) and Truncate components for dealing with large amounts of numbers.
- Mathematical intersection components (Ray-plane, Plane-curve, Ray- Surface, Curve-ray etc.).
- More options for the Loft component (Loose, Tight, Rebuild etc.).
- Curve Perpendicular frames component now provides true 'zero-twisting- frames'.
- New file format (see this wiki page for details)
- Component search popup dialog. Double click on the canvas (on an empty spot) and start typing.
- Better help topics for some components.
- Memory footprint has been reduced significantly.
- Enhanced notes.
- Bug fixes.