Friday, May 30, 2008

STEP Import and Export Plug-ins updated

Step Export Plug-in for Rhino 4.0 SR3 adds:

  • Step files generated by this plug-in can be read by Altium Designer, Solidworks 2008, and Solid Edge.
  • Step objects are assigned the layer color when appropriate.
  • Open polysurfaces are assigned color correctly.
  • Block instances with non-rigid transformations are exploded in the step file. So now mirrored or scaled objects are exported correctly.
  • [Edited by Brian Gillespie, 3-Nov-2008: this plug-in is now included with Rhino 4.0 SR4b. Please download from]

Step Import Plug-in for Rhino 4.0 SR3 adds:

  • Can now read step files that contain assembly entities that reference external files for part entities. All part files must be in the same folder as the parent STEP file.
  • Now finds the color of open polysurfaces.
  • [Edited by Brian Gillespie, 3-Nov-2008: this plug-in is now included with Rhino 4.0 SR4b. Please download from]

Thursday, May 29, 2008

RhinoScript workshop in Paris

On June 17-18 there will be a RhinoScript workshop for professionals organized by McNeel Europe in Paris.

Marc Fornes will teach how to get the most from RhinoScript starting from the basics (operators and functions, conditions, arrays) to the final analysis, description, reconstruction, and tessellation of NURBS surfaces.

Marc Fornes, Architect DPLG, is the founder of THEVERYMANY, a design studio and collaborative research forum engaging the field of architecture via encoded and explicit processes. A Rhino and RhinoScript expert, Marc collaborates with McNeel on a regular basis.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Designing for Second Life in Rhino

We prototyped an example Rhino plug-in writing sculpted primitives for Second Life. Fortunately, Gan Uesli Starling has written up detailed instructions on everything you need to know to get your Rhino models into Second Life.

Rhino Flies

According to SAE Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing magazine, with Rhino in the hands of Luc Van Bavel, your new jet can go from idea to in the air in six months.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rhino Tutorials for Architects

Very fun Rhino tutorials by David Fano at SHoP architects in NY.

Rhino Class for Marine Designers

ProBoat E-Training is offering Rhino Modeling Class for Marine Designers Beginning on June 1, 2008.

You will begin by learning to work with curves, then surfaces, and finally move into fairing a simple chine hull, followed by a simple sailing schooner hull. When you have mastered each of the preceding items, you will move on to a self-directed project of modeling a complete hull/deck/superstructure of your own design.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rhino User Meetings in Rome and Paris

Rhino User Meetings in Rome and Paris in collaboration with the University of La Sapienza and the École Spéciale d'Architecture.

Both events will take place middle of June and will allow users, teachers and students, developers, resellers, and the McNeel team to share their knowledge and experience in 3D Modeling.

Confirmed speakers (users and partners) include:

Participation at these multidisciplinary events is free, although registration is required. You will be able to show your designs from your professional or private life in a special Pecha Kucha session. Just bring your Power Point slides or photos in a USB pen drive.

Check all the details here:

RhinoScript updated

This Labs version of RhinoScript contains additions and modifications to the version of RhinoScript included with Rhino 4.0 SR3. Details and download...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Matrix 6 for Rhino 4.0

Gemvision is now shipping Matrix 6 for Rhino 4.0.

By harnessing the power of Rhino 4.0 and giving it a jeweler-friendly interface, Matrix lets you design virtual jewelry on-screen while generating a detailed color preview image that can be printed or emailed. Matrix then outputs all file types compatible with any CAM device.

La Sagrada Familia and Hotel Attraction

Again, we have to thank Manuel Hidalgo for his fantastic contribution to the Rhino community and architects, geometers, and designers in general. This time Manuel Hidalgo provides us with these new three exceptional studies about Gaudí's work (sorry, only in Spanish):

Manuel Hidalgo has more than 50 years experience in descriptive geometry and has been teaching in the Universad Politécnica de Madrid. With more than 20 years' experience in CAD, he has chosen Rhino as the right tool for him and his students to represent any given form with total accuracy.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Shed more light on Rhino

RhinoCentre Netherlands has developed three advanced display settings that you can download now for free from his blog
Gerard Petersen, Naval Architect and owner of RhinoCentre says: "Every now and then I discover that I take some features of Rhino for granted and cope with them for several years until I find out that it is far from optimal. Shaded display mode for example is my default perspective view for years now and there's always a voice in my head whispering that it is strange that symmetrical models, ship hulls for example, show better from one side..."

User News: FoilKayak

FoilKayak, AS will start shipping the Flyak, the world's fastest kayak, in May 2008.

Product Design & Development magazine explains how Rhino was used to design the world's fastest human powered watercraft.

Friday, May 9, 2008

RhinoAir - new version

The RhinoAir plug-in adds support for Air, TweakAir, and BakeAir to Rhino 4.0's list of supported renderers.

What's new:
- Render shading and lighting to texture maps with BakeAir
- Baked maps can be applied to a model and viewed in Rhino
- Export a model to a VRML file with baked maps

RhinoAir is designed to be compatible with other rendering plug-ins that may be already installed.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

PanelingTools for Rhino - first WIP

The first Work-In-Progress (WIP) version of the new PanelingTools plugin for Rhino 4.0 SR3 is now available from Rhino Labs.

For architectural designers, structural engineers, and building fabricators who need to rationalize free-form design into components that they can fabricate and assemble, PanelingTools is a Rhino 4.0 plugin that has a variety of tools to panel complex NURBS surfaces, polysurfaces, and solids. There are built-in patterns like triangular, box or diamond. Also, any pattern can be user-defined.

Like all Rhino Labs tools, the PanelingTools is free for all Rhino 4.0 users.
Details and download...

Monday, May 5, 2008

ParaCloud for Rhino workshops in NYC

ParaCloud™ powers Rhinoceros with generative design capabilities and provides parametric control to accurately and intuitively edit your design for fabrication, construction and performative studies. ParaCloud™ powers Rhino with: Parametric Behavior Modeling, Surfaces and Ribs unfolding, Parametric Shells and Ribs structures, Parametric Components Population, Rhino Blocks Generative Population, Simplified Numeric Control over Spatial Geometry.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Orca3D second WIP announced

Orca3D is a marine design and analysis plugin for Rhino 4 from the Advanced Technology Center at DRS C3 Systems, Inc. All Rhino users are invited to try the second Work-in-Progress (WIP) release.

Orca3D currently includes tools for hull modeling and fairing, as well as intact hydrostatics and stability. New capabilities will continue to be added.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Training Schedule Update

Rhino commercial training schedule

Rhino training is available worldwide. Choose from a variety of classes including Level I, Level II, Rhino 4.0 Upgrade, and many more. 
Teachers and students: You may attend one of our three-day Level I commercial classes on a no-charge space-available basis at our offices in Barcelona, Irvine, Miami and Seattle.

Free 3D workshops for educators
Teachers: Learn how to bring 3D modeling to your design, drafting, graphics and technology curriculum without the burden of learning another software product. Click on the date for more details. (Space is limited, sign up early.) 
Watch this web page for more details and additional cities. To host a workshop at your school, email Jody.

Zoo 4.0 New Version

New features include:

  • Support for Routed Networks: With Rhino 4.0 SR3 and later clients, the Zoo can be found across routed networks. The client finds the Zoo using a DNS entry or a local registry key. See the help file that installs with Zoo 4.0 for configuration details.
  • New product support: The Zoo supports Bongo 2.0.
  • Backward Compatible: The new Zoo can replace your existing Zoo, and will work with all existing clients.
  • Help File with updated configuration information.

Details and download...