Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Paneling the Terminator Genisys environments

Film designer, Andrew Reeder, used Rhino and the PanelingTools plug-in to resolve one of Terminator Genisys' most complex environments. The plug-in's speed and ease of use enabled Reeder and the film's conceptual team to arrive at an unusual design aesthetic appropriate for the storytelling and also to address many of the complex fabrication issues of the solution.

Check the environments in the Terminator Genisys trailer (36 - 58 seconds).

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The good, the bad, the not-so-ugly

Kevin Caron typically uses his 3D printer to create his sculptures. Recently he expanded its uses to print a pedestal for a recently sold art work. In the process he also created an explanatory video for this simple but practical Rhino use.

The pedestal was a round base with an oval top and required a more robust program than the CAD program Kevin had been running. This is where Rhino came in. Getting straight sides is a "piece of cake. It did it just perfect, once I found the right button."

Friday, December 12, 2014

Ornaments for a White House Christmas tree

One of our online training students has made it to the White House! Well, not really. But his ornament has. Antar Hall entered the White House 3D-Printed Ornament Challenge and finished as one of the five grand prize winners with his ornament, Presidents of Christmas Past & Present.

The ornaments have been 3D printed and are now hanging in the East Wing of the White House for the holidays. They will later go to the Smithsonian Museum of American History.

Three of the runner ups also used Rhino to create their designs: starball, Essence of the Ice, and The Christmas State of Mind Ornament.