Thursday, September 28, 2023

Rhino User Webinar: Grasshopper in art - A new way of approaching classic norms of making

 Rhino User Webinar
October 11, 2023, at 16:00 (CEST)

In this Webinar, Ekkehard Altenburger will show his versatile approach to using Grasshopper as an artist.

His portfolio spans various aspects of parametric design, encompassing everything from creating initial drafts for traditional lacquer studios in Hanoi to his ongoing methodologies at the Academy of Visual Arts in Hong Kong, where he uses Grasshopper as the main software to program a range of large and small robots in a digital fabrication studio. 

The webinar will center on the utilization of various plugins like Weaverbird and Kangaroo 2, alongside the HAL robotics framework, demonstrating their applicability in both smaller and larger robotic systems, including ABB, UFactory, and Universal Robots.

Ekkehard Altenburger is a German artist based in Hong Kong. With a background as a master mason, he later studied in Bremen, Edinburgh, and London. Architecture has a significant impact on Altenburger's artistic endeavors.
His projects can be found in various public and private collections, as well as in the public domain. Altenburger's current research focuses on using parametric algorithms in idea development and the creative process, including incorporating them into traditional Vietnamese lacquer painting techniques. He serves as an Assistant Professor for Sculpture at the Academy of Visual Arts in Hong Kong, where he established a robotics laboratory for digital fabrication.
Altenburger's pieces have been featured in exhibitions such as 'Amber in Vietnam/Hanoi' and 'True and False' at Burg Ranfels in Bavaria, Germany.

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