Friday, January 27, 2023

Rhino User Webinar: The Designer in the Age of Conscious Design. Evaluation and filter driven design

 Rhino User Webinar
February 1, 2023, at 4 PM UTC+1

In this webinar, Alejandro Fuentes, from the Computational Design Team at KCAP, will present how they integrate new technologies and logic using Rhino and Grasshopper across the different project phases and disciplines in the office. In particular, he will show the work they are currently developing in visualizing the implications of different European morphological and environmental regulations.

He will also show how they integrate different open-source plugins to design with building codes and generate combined analysis, such as comfort models. Their work is key to match with the office’s sustainability and carbon-neutral ambitions.

Alejandro is an architect with a background in thermodynamics and EMO workflows on structural design. He joined the CD Team at KCAP in 2021, and since then he has focused on developing internal tools and integrating real-time environmental simulations. He has been involved in developing plugins such as Worm and Roadrunner.

He recently joined TU Delft’s faculty as a guest teacher in urban and computational design, introducing new technologies and approaches.

Complete details and free registration...

Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Flowing Bridge, Entrance outdoor theatre footbridge, Taiyuan, China, by Sterling Presser Architects+Engineers

Copyright Rex Zou

The Flowing Bridge (by Sterling Presser Architects+Engineers) is a unique infrastructure project designed as an entrance to the Taiyuan outdoor theatre and a strategic connection to the whole park above the river Xiahoe meander. The bridge is conceived as an invitation to the arts and the entire composition is a sequence. Its indirect path allows the visitor to arrive from the side and discover the water step by step. The concept is to design a connection to the car park in harmony with the lotus pattern of the landscape and the outer theatre.

The balustrades are a specific feature using parametric design. It has been developed as a vibrant artistic surface to provide quality within the public space. The bespoke Grasshopper definition enabled a visual and differentiated effect. It is designed to be visually abstract using a moiré definition, which underlines the curved concept and plays with the natural light. The railing reads at different speeds, whether it is perceived by pedestrians, cyclists, or light VIP vehicles, and creates an ever-changing feel.

Two grids shift parametrically while keeping the code requirement of a minimum of 110 mm between elements for safety. Sterling Presser used Rhino geometry definition of the whole project to deliver a 3D coordinated construction information package for the local contractor.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

food4Rhino webinar: Botcha x Rhino (February 9 at 4 PM CET)

February 9, 2023, at 4 PM CET

Botcha x Rhino is a new plugin that introduces commands and Grasshopper components to enhance some UV editing and remapping features in Rhino, as well as adding some parametric modifiers components. In this webinar, we are going introduce the plugin.

  • Alberto Franco: Lead software architect for design&develop, in charge of development for Jevero Pattern, Botcha, and many other custom tools. Specialized in developing product design software, with over a decade of experience in both modeling and developing in various different 3D platforms.
  • Federico Trentin: Product Owner for design&develop, responsible for account management and education for the software Jevero and Botcha. Broad experience in multilingual training for Jevero Pattern. Rhino enthusiast.

Nemo, Grasshopper plugin for ship design, celebrates the new year

Nemo provides multiple tools to generate linesplan, compute hydrostatics, perform resistance prediction, extract structural data, produce 2D drawings, and exchange data with other external software. Nemo also includes free tools to create parametric shapes, such as Naca profiles, hydrofoils, keels, rudders, blade propellers, and sail plans. 

This 1.4 release brings new components to generate linesplan, estimate aerodynamic drag force, compute frictional + roughness resistances with ITTC 57' + 78' models, and now handles different speed units (kn, m/s, km/h). 

 The pricing table has also been updated, with a discounted price for updating any previously purchased version.

Full details, updates, and features on Nemo's food4Rhino page

Rhino for Beginners workshops by Parametric Architecture - starting January 2023

Parametric Architecture has organized a series of Rhino for Beginners workshops, the first one taking place January 28-29, 2023.

Rhino for Beginners 1.0, which will last the entire weekend, is a course on Rhinoceros for beginners. It will cover basic 3D modeling terminology and tools. By the end of the workshop, students will understand how to use the Rhino software to create their own 3D models. They will also have a foundation for learning more advanced techniques. The material covered in the workshop will be reinforced through exercises and small design challenges during and after the workshop.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Kangaroo Physics online workshop, February 20-22 (McNeel Europe)


Kangaroo Physics online workshop
Host: McNeel Europe (Barcelona)

Ping-Hsiang Chen, senior architect and computational designer at the Zaha Hadid Architects in London, will teach a Kangaroo Physics online workshop organized by McNeel Europe. This course will help you get started with Kangaroo Physics, a fully integrated live physics engine in Grasshopper for interactive simulation, form-finding, optimization, and constraint-solving. It also enables the simulation of material behavior and helps you conduct geometry analysis or produce animations. The course introduces constraints, particle systems, and inscribing material properties to a design to understand how geometries react to them. Participants will also learn to use Kangaroo with different geometries such as NURBS, Mesh, and SubD.

On completion of this course, participants are expected to be able to: 
  • Use Kangaroo for form finding with various constraint setups
  • Understand possible applications with physics-based modeling
  • Work between different geometry types such as NURBS, Mesh, and SubD
  • Ceate custom geometry functions using Kangaroo with new features in Rhino 7

Day 1
Introduction to physics-based modeling. Introduction to Kangaroo solvers and basic setup. Goals and forces. Creating tensile structures with Kangaroo. Understanding constraints, Interaction between elements. Origami and folding behavior.

Day 2
Introduction to Mesh and SubD geometry. Subdivision and QuadRemesh. Form finding with mesh and Kangaroo. Material behavior simulation. Understanding collision in Kangaroo. Geometry packing.

Day 3
Geometry optimization with Kangaroo. Genetic algorithm. Using Kangaroo for fabrication. Advanced modeling workflow using Kangaroo.

Course requirements: The class is designed for people who have already taken the Grasshopper Level 1 course or use Grasshopper at work daily and understand the basic data structure of Grasshopper. It is also preferable to have an intermediate level in Rhino.

Online course fees: EUR 395,- (+VAT); full-time students and university teachers get a 50% discount (proof of status required). Please note that we will confirm your seat after your payment has cleared.

Max. number of participants: 25. If there is no quorum, the course will be canceled two weeks before.

Course language: English

Educational seats are limited. Sign up now by contacting McNeel Europe!

Ladybug Tools online training, February 22-24, by Dosta Tec

Ladybug Tools 
Online training
February 22-24, 2023, 10:00- 17:00 WEST
Organizer: Dosta Tec

The aim of this three-day hands-on workshop is to introduce participants to the most relevant topics in the field of environmental design: energy, daylight, and thermal modeling, and equip them with adequate tools: Ladybug and Honeybee.

The online training is run by Dosta Tec, an engineering and technology company that provides services in the field of sustainable buildings, focusing on energy and life-cycle assessment. Mateo Barbero, energy engineer, will introduce the topics of energy modeling and thermal comfort in buildings. Adrian Krezlik, architect and PhD researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, will focus on the topics of daylight and the environmental impact of buildings in their life cycle.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

3D Footwear Topologies and Generative Workflow (January 25 at 4 PM CET)

This webinar will show how to use Rhino's SubD features for 3D footwear design.

These workflows typically start with the shoe last and then model other parts such as midsoles, soles, and reinforcements, combining and integrating SubD shapes with other topologies such as NURBS surfaces and polygon meshes.

Leveraging Grasshopper, we can build generative SubD structures and textures that you can use to further model shoe components with sculpting techniques.

Some new WIP tools, such as 3D Sketch and ShrinkWrap, will also be demonstrated to understand better how you can improve your footwear workflow.

René Medel has been an authorized Rhino trainer since 2004 when he worked as a Rhinoceros product manager in Chile. He is also a highly experienced industrial designer passionate about footwear and 3D.

In 2015 he moved to Europe to be a guest lecturer at the Master of Innovation in Footwear at the former SLEM academy in the Netherlands. After that, he was asked to push the boundaries of 3D footwear design and additive manufacturing for IP ideas production GmbH, a division of Birkenstock Group.

He is now a senior digital creation engineer in the innovation team of Framas Germany, a developer and supplier of high-performance plastic components for the footwear industry.

Complete details and free registration...

Thursday, January 12, 2023

V-Ray 6 for Rhino – Architectural Interior Scene

Creating a Night-time Architectural Interior Rendering in V-Ray 6 for Rhino

In this new Simply Rhino V-Ray video tutorial, part of our new ‘Getting Started with V-Ray’ series, we create a night-time architectural interior rendering using V-Ray 6 for Rhino 7.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

KUKA|prc in Unity Visual Scripting – Association for Robots in Architecture

Robots in Architecture has been kind enough to share its new project that links KUKA|prc with Unity and Rhino.Compute:

"While Grasshopper is extremely strong at defining geometrically complex operations, it is less optimized for processes that incorporate live sensor feedback or branching data paths, due to its fundamentally acyclic, directed graph.

In our research at Creative Robotics we have integrated KUKA|prc into the game engine Unity and its included Unity Visual Scripting system, that features an accessible integration of state machines.

As Unity cannot cover the same scope of geometrical operations as Rhino, we still utilize Rhino and Grasshopper via Rhino.Compute for pathplanning, while depending on UVS’ state machine for controlling the process flow."

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Point-E in Rhino: Generate Objects with OpenAi-Technology by Textprompts

Point-E creates point clouds of objects based on text input. Resolution is still relatively low to keep usability high, but the results are already amazing.

Point-E is the latest open AI web service that OpenAI released, following amazing tools like Dall-E for generating images and ChatGPT for generating text-based answers for almost any text prompt.

It is now usable in Rhino through the free version of the Adapative Parts Environment plug-in.

Multiple objects can be generated simultaneously and point clouds are even colored.

Currently, Rhenso is working on an automated meshing algorithm for Release 7.

If you are already using Release 8 beta, you should try the new ShrinkWrap feature with the result of Point-E.

To use it follow these steps:
  • Install Adaptive Parts Environment (APE) through the package manager (win only) or by our installer
  • Download and open this Example (3dm and Grasshopper file)
  • Use the APE Panel and enter your query
  • Copy and change the model as often as you like

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Landscape design course by Asuni (February 2023)

Asuni has organized a Rhino and Lands Design 12-hour training course for landscape architects. This online course for beginners overviews the essential functions of Rhino, including 2D drawing tools and layouts. The Lands Design portion covers the program's main functions and addresses the visualization tools.  

Rhino + Lands Design

  • Rhino: February 6, 7, 9, 2023
  • Lands Design: February 27-28 and March 2, 2023
  • 4-6 pm (UTC+1)
  • Language: English
  • Price: 360€ + VAT (Students 50% off)

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Moving Pictures: The Art of M.C. Escher and Animation

The work of M.C. Escher can be thought of as related to animation, for example, his long print Metamorphosis.  But Escher didn’t need an animation technique, instead finding his own solutions.  A square slowly changes shape and other recognizable shapes—such as birds and fish—emerge precisely because of the clear visual language that Escher developed.  Looking more closely from this perspective, are there perhaps other wonderful worlds that will become visible?  Join Dutch mathematician Rinus Roelofs and Authorized Rhino Trainer for a closer look at Escher’s work, a great source of inspiration from which unexpected moving images have arisen.  Math Encounters is MoMath’s popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.

How To Optimize Grasshopper Files with Transformations!


In this video, Edwin Hernández from ShapeDiver explains how to significantly improve the workflow and performance of your models by using math and transformations. Watch this video and learn different methods to ensure your Grasshopper models run efficiently on ShapeDiver.