Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Nemo, Grasshopper plugin for ship design, celebrates the new year

Nemo provides multiple tools to generate linesplan, compute hydrostatics, perform resistance prediction, extract structural data, produce 2D drawings, and exchange data with other external software. Nemo also includes free tools to create parametric shapes, such as Naca profiles, hydrofoils, keels, rudders, blade propellers, and sail plans. 

This 1.4 release brings new components to generate linesplan, estimate aerodynamic drag force, compute frictional + roughness resistances with ITTC 57' + 78' models, and now handles different speed units (kn, m/s, km/h). 

 The pricing table has also been updated, with a discounted price for updating any previously purchased version.

Full details, updates, and features on Nemo's food4Rhino page

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