Monday, March 9, 2020

Grasshopper-SOFiSTiK webinar on parametric bridge design recorded

Complex Steel Bridge Design Through SOFiSTiK and Parametric Modelling

SOFiSTiK and FINLEY Engineering Group recently held a webinar on parametric bridge modelling:

The SR 826/Palmetto Expressway and SR 25/ Okeechobee Road Interchange Improvement Project in Miami-Dade County, Florida, includes the design and construction of three new flyover ramps. It provides additional routes with a direct connection at the existing interchange while also improving safety and alleviating traffic. Each new ramp is composed of twin continuous steel box girders with spans ranging from 140’ to 230’ with a total bridge length of 7,241’. Four steel straddle bents are required in locations where the substructure cannot be founded beneath the girders due to obstructions from existing roadways or the Miami Canal. Each flyover ramp has unique geometric constraints including a varying deck width, curved girders with radii down to 330’, varying superelevations, and complex gore area framing that are modeled explicitly in 3D with a refined analysis in SOFiSTiK.

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