Monday, September 26, 2022

3D Parametric Design for Jewelry


Join Andres Gonzalez for a free short chat open to the general public about learning 3D Parametric Design for Jewelry with Rhino and Grasshopper, and learn how to automate Rhino 7 using Grasshopper to improve the possibilities of discovering new forms and reduce the time modeling repetitive families of 3D objects. 

Date: September 30, 2022. 
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Auditorio Ignacio Vieira
Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño, UPB, in Medellín, Colombia. 

Visit this link and take a look at some simple exercises. 

We have done it before with a group of students from TEC of Monterrey, campus Guadalajara and you can look at the results of the students that were learning Parametric Design for the first time!

Andres is the head of the McNeel Southeast US and Latin American Division and founder of Rhino3D.EducationHe is also the worldwide director of  RhinoFabStudio and the Generative Jewelry & Fashion Design community GJD3D.

Rhino3D.Education offers online courses in Rhino, Grasshopper, Computational Design, GhPython, PanelingTools, RhinoCAM, V-Ray, and more. Check it out!