Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Rhino User Webinar: With Vision and Voice - Utilising Multimodal Large Language Models in Grasshopper's Parametric Design Workflows

Rhino User Webinar
21 March 2024 at 3:00 pm (CET)

In this webinar, we will explore the integration of large language models directly within Grasshopper workflows. We will start with an introductory overview of multimodal large language models, with a special emphasis on OpenAI's API and the capabilities of ChatGPT Vision. We will demonstrate the power of controlling parametric models using natural language inputs, reference images, or a combination of both through a project example. On top, we will hack a simple mobile-friendly Gradio web app, that will allow participants to drive models using voice commands or images captured with their smartphones.

About the speaker:

  • Serjoscha Düring has worked and researched within the field of computational planning for more than five years, promoting data-driven approaches in urban design. Before joining RehubForge as a Digital Architect, he was part of the City Intelligence Lab (CIL) at the Austrian Institute of Technology, where he focused on creating and integrating diverse impact-assessment simulations with interactive city models. He is experienced in comparative data analysis and visualization. He has taught at several universities, focusing on the application of urban data for planning and design, including machine learning and computer vision frameworks.

Complete details and registration...


Andrew said...

Hi, will this be recorded, so I can view at a later time?

Kouichi Nakamura said...

How to see past Webinar Rhino Multimodal LLM in Grasshopper's Parametric Design?
Please let me see that the great lecture!!

Delia Robalo said...

All the webinars are recorded and posted on the dedicated
YouTube channel

Joost Gevaert said...

This Rhino User Webinar was amazing!
I had heard of AutoGPT, but had apparently never fully understood what "prompt engineering" really meant. I'd love to give this a try!
Where can I find (the GitHub repo with) the Grasshopper scripts?
Serjoscha mentions several times, e.g. at 1:02:30 (https://youtu.be/tbUTjJROhNc?t=3750), that the GPT Grasshopper scripts will be shared. Could you please point me to them?
Thank you very much for the amazing webinar and thanks in advance for pointing me to the example scripts :)