Tuesday, August 25, 2020

A fan inspired by an earwig?

A fan inspired by an earwig? Harvard University published a research article for the earwig fan developed in Rhino. 6.0 and Grasshopper.

They proposed a crease-pattern designing software developed in Rhino 6 and Grasshopper. An origami simulation toolbox of Grasshopper, Crane, was used to simulate the folded shape of the generated crease patterns. The folding processes and Movie S5 were drawn via the online application Origami Simulator.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

SudoHopper3D Bonus Pack!

Keep learning Grasshopper!

Check out our new Bonus Pack with six more lessons, now available in the last chapter of our SudoHopper3D course.

Our free SudoHopper3D course is part of a card game created to improve the overall understanding of parametric thinking that will help you learn Grasshopper. 

In this new Bonus Pack, we will cover components like Graft Tree, Flatten Tree, Sort List, Tween Curve, and Polygon Center.

These new free lessons are available in English and Spanish:

For the Spanish version click here.

Enjoy them!

Check out Rhino3D.Education for the lastest courses on Rhino, Grasshopper, and more!

BSS - Building System Specialist Online Program (Rhino.Inside.Revit)


PAZ Academy (Parametric Academy Zurich)

BSS is a unique, personalized 4-month Certificate Program that lifts you over your Revit BIM limitations to become a professional computational designer in your field! 

BSS focuses on the powerful plugin Rhino.Inside.Revit with numerous interoperability connections.

You'll learn the theory, gain technological understanding, build your own scripts, improve your algorithmic logic, create parametric BIM Models in Revit, and acquire a broad perspective look. Design with data, systems, code, AI, and animation while keeping your freedom and flexibility to design better buildings!

Be part of our PAZ NET in a challenging and exciting BSS PAZ Platform.

The autumn edition starts on September 1st!

Details and registration...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

New xNURBS Tutorial Video


Now, xNURBS is producing more tutorial videos. These new tutorial videos intend to help users to use the xNURBS Rhino plugin correctly and efficiently. They illustrate the basic rules discussed in xNURBS manual (xNURBS Rhino plugin and xNURBS SolidWorks addin have a very similar capacity/UI, so they share some screenshots/tutorial videos).

These new tutorial videos will explain:
  • How to use xNURBS to generate Quad-sided and N-sided surfaces
  • How to set internal curve constraints correctly
  • How to create a symmetric surface
  • How to use xNURBS for form-finding
  • How to avoid conflicting constraints

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Datakit Import/Export plugins updated

Datakit has updated its collection of Rhino Import/Export plugins.

The new plugins for Rhino are twofold, both for the export and import of new file format extensions and for surface texture support.

New features of export plugins

"We have supplemented our range of tools for writing open files in Rhino 3D with FBX and glTF formats," explains Félix Thuilier, Marketing Manager at Datakit.

FBX format (.fbx) is an Autodesk proprietary file format widely used by the publisher with its Maya, 3ds Max, and MotionBuilder animation software, as well as its CAD software. It facilitates the acquisition and exchange of 3D models and associated documents and media from multiple sources, including the world of animation and video games.

For its part, the glTF format (Graphics Library Transmission Format) (.gltf, .bin, .glb) is a file format, free of rights, based on the JSON format, facilitating the exchange of scenes and models between 3D applications. Developed since 2012 by the Khronos Group industrial consortium, this file format is compact, interoperable, and fast to load. It is often presented as the “JPEG of 3D”, facilitating the 3D model visualization on web pages. 

These two plugins are available individually for € 1,000 or in the export bundle, which increases from five to seven supported formats at the unchanged price of € 1,500. All customers of this bundle, who are up-to-date with their maintenance, have access to these two new plugins at no additional cost.

What's new in import plugins

“For playing third party files in Rhino 3D, we have added to the Revit format import plugin support for .rfa files in addition to .rvt files. Similarly, we added to the IFC format import plugin, support for .ifcZIP files in addition to .ifc and .ifcXML files. This shows that the world of construction and in particular BIM (Building Information Modeling) is an important development axis for us,” explains Félix Thuilier.

Revit is a 3D design software for the construction world published by Autodesk. “The .rvt format corresponds to a global Revit project that can integrate several buildings. The .rfa format is used for standard element families offered by Autodesk, as well as for specific user-defined elements. They can be imported and instantiated in a .rvt project”, explains Laure Bedu, head of development around Revit at Datakit.

For its part, the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format is a standardized file format (ISO 16739 standard) used in the construction world to exchange information between different software. “These files can have .ifc, .ifcXML or .ifcZIP extensions, which are now all supported by the plugin,” notes Laurent Eraud, developer at Datakit.

The textures support

The surface textures are essential pieces of information to transmit when exchanging files with Rhino. In addition to the more realistic visual aspect, they inform the user about the nature of the elements they dress (brick wall or stone, for example). This is why Datakit has decided to support them in its JT and CATIA V5 file import plugins, and its export plugins to 3D PDF and FBX.

These developments result from monitoring market trends by Datakit's strategy team, confirmed by specific requests from customers. They are the subject of writing specific features allowing the use of the desired file extension for import or export. They are then directly integrated into a plugin that adds a Datakit Exchange tab to the Rhino menu bar.