Monday, May 12, 2014

Architectural Visualization Workshop in Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain
27-28 June 2014

The focus of this workshop is to provide participants all the necessary knowledge to produce photorealistic renders with V-Ray 2.0 for Rhino.

The course starts with the basics of rendering, then covers more advanced settings to end up with some tips for post-producing those renderings in Adobe Photoshop. Participants will develop typical case studies about rendering architectural visualizations, interior visualizations and product design, among other basic case studies that use rendering as a main representation technique. While developing those case studies, participants will learn how to handle V-Ray parameters and how to create textures inside the normal workflow for rendering. Day one will start as introduction and will end with some advanced topics. Day two will cover advanced settings and post production.

Instructor: Matúš Nedecký from FlyingArchitecture
Language: English
Organizersicreatia, SMD , FlyingArchitecture

Early bird registration until June 2!

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