Monday, June 3, 2019

SuperD, a new modeling plugin

SuperD is a high-quality, watertight concept design tool in Rhino. 
It is easy to learn with an industry-standard, control mesh interface. It aims at users who want a recursive subdivision (SubD-like) tool such as the no longer available T-splines. You won't have to deal with any 'extraordinary' or 'star' points because there aren't any. No clusters of patches, and no cracks. Seams are very smooth (Near C2 in tech jargon). SuperD has excellent tools for edge sharpening and smooth dissipation between sharp and round. If the model follows common sense design rules the output will be watertight; it will 3D print without any extra 'healing' work. The B-spline conversion is a button click and fast. It enables any polygon file to be input, smoothed, and output as Rhino B-splines. Check out the tutorial video.
In short, SuperD:
  • Uses the popular SubD interface for existing or original models and easy learning.
  • Yields high quality (C1, near C2) surfaces, no extraordinary points.
  • Generates excellent triangulations: no cracks, no overkill, no clusters, with good Level of Detail (LOD) management.
  • Creates quality, Rhino compatible B-spline outputs. A superb way to convert polygons to B-splines.
  • Has a compact database.
  • Produces watertight models for 3D printing.
  • Employs OBJ input/output.
  • Allows open or closed models with Bezier curve boundaries.

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