Monday, June 17, 2019

DR_SoM Design Research Series on Method

DR_SoM Digital Practice TU Graz Oct-24-27-2019
Design Research Series on Method
October 24–26 2019
Graz University of Technology, Austria

The seventh session of Design Research Series on Method (DR_SoM) will take place at Graz University of Technology. This event is also the 5th Annual Conference of the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association (ARENA). For the third time DR_SoM focuses on architectural research in practice, but for the first time with an emphasis on the digital. In particular, DR_SoM wants to hear about projects and practices that see digital technology as a new way to think and conceive of design. For more information on the theme, please go to the online announcement.

If you would like to take part in the session, please send a concise description of the work you want to present. It must be less than 200 words (and any additional graphics material, if required). Send to by June 24, 2019, for consideration by the panel.

Note that full papers are not required as we recognize work in progress. However, participants are invited to write an illustrated paper afterward, for publication in a booklet dedicated to this DR_SoM session.

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