Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rhino 5 SR3 Released

Rhino 5 Service Release 3 (SR3), built 26-Apr-2013, is now available.

Hundreds of stability improvements and bug fixes are included in SR3.

Rhino will download Service Release Updates in the background and prompt you to install, or you can download manually.


  1. When our users upgrade to this, it breaks the licensing. please advise.

  2. When we install the update, it breaks licensing. please advise.

  3. Hi Markus,

    Can you check if you still have this issue with the latest service release located here... http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino/5.0/sr ?

    If you can email tech@mcneel.com with the details of what license you mean that would also help. I'm not sure if this is a plugin license for something you develop for instance.
