Tuesday, September 16, 2008

PanelingTools Updated

A new release of PanelingTools plug-in for Rhino 4.0 is available for download. New in this release:
  • Added ptManage3dPatterns command to create, edit or delete user-defined 3D patterns and save to document. These patterns are listed in ptPanel3D command.
  • Added "Shift" options to ptOrientToGrid command. Also fixed a bug in this command that used to flip module direction.
  • Fixed I/O bug in ptMange2dPatterns command.
  • Added cancel thread when creating panels faces.
  • Fixed a bug when paneling polysurfaces. Panels along joints were not properly calculated
  • Added "Delete" option to ptMange2dPatterns to show next to "New" and "Edit" options.

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