Monday, April 11, 2011

Grasshopper workshop in Finland

This Grasshopper workshop is a unique opportunity for Finnish designers to familiarize themselves with this new and exciting program in the company of David Rutten, Grasshopper's developer and a worldwide authority on generative design. David also intends to spend time demonstrating one of his new projects - the Galapagos evolutionary solver.

Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor for designers exploring new shapes using generative algorithms.

No knowledge of programming or scripting is required.

The workshop language is English.

795€ + VAT with discounts for students and tutors if availability allows. Space is very limited (only 8 places).

Location and date:
10-11.5.2011. Rhinocenter, Käsityöläiskatu 4a, 20100 Turku, phone. 050 313 3570.

Marika Almgren /
phone. 050 313 3570

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if Grasshopper would work soon in Rhino OS X. Apple computers become more and more important in architectural offices.