Friday, June 17, 2022

DesignMorphine Masters Y22/23 - Degree

Everything humanity has designed so far is limited and based on how our bodies are designed and work and they experience reality around us. However, in this age and time, we have reached the crossroads where technology can and will eventually shape our minds and our body. In this sense, designing the future entails, first and foremost, designing the body that will live that future. Challenges inevitably arise and demand innovators and pioneers to overcome them; new tools and technologies are required to materialize the answer; limits and boundaries will be crossed, and the equilibrium will change. The compass will be a scalable notion of the human condition in this journey. Housing, transit systems, and the ways one moves around in the city, as well as the whole structure of the city itself, are essential aspects one must consider when designing for this new reality. By changing the very unit, the whole world is built around, the human body, we are no longer concerned with just designing parts of our world. We are designing the whole world we live in. It’s not a mere design process; it’s cosmogony.

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