Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rhino Workshop in NYC, April 19

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
4:00PM-7:00PM EDT
US$150.00 - buy your ticket here

This Rhino workshop aims to discuss some of the specific applications directly related to the architectural industry, how it can be leveraged, and how different 3D software Rhino, Sketch Up, and Revit can be leveraged to maximize the most from it.

Part 1: Making a watertight model in Rhino
·      Introductory concepts for watertight modeling techniques
·      Check and fix STL errors in Rhino
·      Requirements for quality 3D printed output

Part 2: Optimizing an architectural 3D print
·      Scaling and exporting techniques
·      Minimum thicknesses
·      Optimize models to reduce print time and cost

Part 3: Texturing and full color 3D print output
·      UV mapping techniques and types
·      Render materials
·      Extracting textured geometry
·      Full color 3D print workflows

Part 4: Advanced workflows for 3D printing
·      Model integrity between Revit, Rhino, and, Fusion 360, Sketch Up

44 West 18th Street
3rd Floor Conference Room
New York, NY 10011

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