Wednesday, December 16, 2015

c--c | glass with a twist

Building curved walls from bent glass traditionally is a costly affair. Using adjustable appliances, or even custom molds, a flat glass sheet is heated to about 600 ° C, until the entire sheet gets ductile. It then gradually, due to gravity, takes the desired shape. The part needs to remain inside the furnace for many hours to slowly neutralize bending stresses. The outcome is certainly attractive but the efforts inevitably are reflected in the price per unit.

A product concept presented by the German industrial designer Holger Jahns pursues an entirely different approach at a lower cost. Industrially prefabricated elements from glass come with a unique coupling mechanism which permits joining slim individual elements at any angle and without ever committing planners to a particular shape.

c--c indeed is an advancement over channel glass – a machine rolled glass product in U-shape, which has been in production for decades. The updated profile shape makes the product truly fit for curved architectural applications.

More information at the Grasshopper Forum & Main Project's web site...

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