Friday, June 25, 2010

Collaborative Cloud project

Collaborative Cloud is an installation which investigates distributed and decentralized design and fabrication. The interface (in the link above) allows you to design and give information to a piece of the cloud, thus anyone can participate in the project’s growth over the next 8 months. The physical construction will take place at the Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) in an exhibition titled: LABORATORI DE FABRICACIÓ:Nous escenaris del disseny i la producció tridimensional.

The Collaborative Cloud is a project created by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (, organized by the DHUB, and designed by Luis E. Fraguada, Victor Viña, Areti Markopoulou, and YOU!

The project was designed using processing for the interface, and Grasshopper/RhinoScript for geometry and population. Once a user submits a design, the interface outputs a data file as well as a PDF of the piece ready for fabrication. As the database grows, these files are matched with a potential position on the cloud.

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